
airport/El Catey/Samana?


I arrive there late night, and apparently the taxi mafia tries to charge $60 just to  Last Terrenas.  Has any waited in the airport till morning when they could catch a guagua/chicken bus?

See also

Driving in the Dominican Republicwhere did you findTransportation from Santo Domingo airport to Las TerrenasWant to buy a bicycle in Las TerrenasTransportation from Punta Cana to Las Terrenas
Dan Williams

I have been working this problem pretty hard recently. During the day, you can hail a gua gua to LT on the highway. The best option for late night is to make a sign. Show it in the boarding area, on the plane, and in the arrival area. Someone will be coming here, and offer you a ride.

Dan Williams

My friend arrived Sunday night and found that everyone on the plane had transfer arrangements, so was shut out of any ride sharing. He ended up getting a taxi to a hotel a mile away that charges 1200 pesos a night, so he could wait for the inexpensive gua gua to Las Terrenas in the morning.


I think the charge is about right for the distance. Not that I agree with it, but that is what is charged anywhere else. You can maybe try to get it for 50 USD. If you add the cost of a hotel to stay overnight and a guagua the next day, plus the time, maybe it's not as much as it looks.


It's only about 24 km so the price is a more state-side price. They figure you're a desperate, rich gring, so gouge accordingly. He wanted $10 just to take 2 miles to the only hotel in the area. I beat him down to 200 pesos. At the hotel I bargained from 1200 to 1000. Then 40 in guagua to Sanchez, then 70 in another guagua to las terrenas.  So 1310, pesos instead of $60 or even the $80 they try to get.  If it ever happens again, I'll jus wait in the airport till the morning and catch the chicken bus.