


Is there anyone that lives in maimi or Florida that's is kind enough to let me stay at there place for a couple of weeks just to get to know the place thank u

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in the USAAccommodation in PortlandAccommodation in Washington D.C.Housing in California

tannn23 wrote:

Is there anyone that lives in maimi or Florida that's is kind enough to let me stay at there place for a couple of weeks just to get to know the place thank u

People in North America are not accustomed to letting complete strangers stay in their homes for obvious security reasons. It is highly unlikely you'll find free accommodations here on the forum.

Expat-blog Experts Team


I was just trying my luck James I am a female am 29 i work at a children's home as a nurse just need a friend to stay with and would be kind to show me around


tannn23 wrote:

I was just trying my luck James I am a female am 29 i work at a children's home as a nurse just need a friend to stay with and would be kind to show me around

You could try Couchsurfing, but it's unlikely anyone is going to host you for a few weeks. That's a strain on anyone.


Bob K

I don't think you will find any ligit offers.  In fact I would be very careful of anyone who did respond with a place for you

Bob K