
franchising a business


Hi Everyone,
My name is Gabriela and I am from the Dominican Republic. I am now living in the United States. I want to finish my education here, then move back to my home country. Can anyone please give me advice on franchising a business? An existiting franchise. If I owned a franchise en la RD, would I be payed in American money??

See also

Job offers in Dominican RepublicWorking in the Dominican RepublicSetting up a business in the Dominican RepublicWorking in Puerto PlataWorking in Santiago de los Caballeros

Franchising is full of  rules,  contracts and it almost always costs a lot of money.  You need to find something you are interested in,  you think might work here and that you have the skills to run and that you have enough money for!  It will not be easy or cheap.  Who knows if it is worth it!   

Welcome to the forums!   What are you studying?   It is good to hear you want to come home when you are finished!


Thank you! I just know that I can't live in the USA. I have absolutely no family here besides my moher, and I value family a lot. I also do not like the culture or anything here. I want to find a way to make the money I want to make in the RD so that I can live there. & I'm acutally 16 years old and a junior in high school. Therefore, I still have to finish college. That's another question I have. I have no idea what I should major in. Also, because I am still a high school student, I still have sooo much to learn about business. I know that it is what I'm very passionate about. I feel like the easiest route would be buying a business or already existing franchise (after doing a lot of research to make sure that the previous owner is not tricking me into a failing business). I am going to go to this program in June, Governors Scholar Program for Entrepreneurs, and I should learn a lot there. Also, is getting an MBA worth it for doing business in the RD?

-ps. sorry for all of the questions, I have never talked to anyone about this before
here is a website of US businesses for sale in the RD.


You are going about this the right way honey.  Take your time,  learn everything you can.  Try to work in the kind of business you might want to run someday, that give you hands on experience. MBA - who knows - by the time you graduate and are ready,  things will have changed.  Wait and see what happens.   

Entrepreneurship programs can be awesome.  I attended Junior Achievement for years and it helped me a great deal but that was years ago.

Franchises may or may not be right for you.  Again,  learn all you can, work in some and then get your education!   Time will tell how your interests and needs change.

Bob K

Good luck and you have a long road ahead of you.

I am not sure that at 16 you are ok to post on this forum and it will have to be checked.

Bob K


I think that she is intelligent, thoughtful & aware of the road ahead.  I fear that is not always the case with some of us "older" folk.  As long as she stays on point, let her post.  If she hadn't told her age & school status , you never would have questioned the viability and right to post. Get your stick out of the mud!


Not up to us, we don't make the rules.


Once again I agree completely with Gypsy. How can the best interests of this form be served with neanderthal rules.


Again we don't make them and in fact I don't know if there is a required age.  The rules are the rules and we will wait for the powers that be to make the call.


Forget the MBA. It's a waste of time and money. There are thousands of MBA grads out there and they can't find a job at McDonalds.

You should get experience in the exact business you want to go into. You might find that it's a lot of work and you would rather not do it. If you decide you really like it then getting hands on experience is better than anything you learn in school or graduate school. Remember, business taught in Universities or Graduate schools have very little to do in the real world which is where you will be working.

Honey, who are the powers that be?


To sweet 16,  At the Wharton School Of Business, in orientation class they give you the definition of a business.  " A business is an organism that produces a profit, if it doesn't produce a profit, it is NOT a business".   That is it as briefly put as possible. Keep on trucking & follow your gut. You'll make some errors, but they are learning experiences.  You have the time to grow & learn the different paths that can be taken. None of them are wrong, just that some are better than others.  Carefully place the detractors comments into the circular file where they belong.  If you fall off the horse, get back on, the horse will respect you for it. Some old fogies known some things, others have forgotten them or never learned them.  Keep your eyes & mind open & you can decerne (sp) which is which.  Please post more, I'll enjoy reading of your progress.


Bob K wrote:

I am not sure that at 16 you are ok to post on this forum and it will have to be checked.

After reading the different posts here, I can say that yes it's ok ;)


Planner and Bobby rule here with an iron fist hahaha. Trujillo been dead for like 50 years let her post.

Bob K

RDE1000  sorry don't rule at all.  But there are some very strange people in this world and many will "go after a sweet young 16 year old"  I think it is for her protection.

"The powers to be" (Julien) have addressed this so for the time being she welcome.  And I agree that she is wise beyond her years.

Bob K


Agreed and thank you Julien!!! With everything else you had going on this weekend you stepped in and we appreciate it.


Bob, we are so far removed from i6 years old that we base our opinion on what we remember of our youth & times.  We old farts have no idea how "old" the 16 year olds are today. A thoughtful, educated, bright young teen has far surpassed our own teens.  Granted, many are just as ignorant & foolish as many of us were.  We no longer can say wiser beyond their years, we don't know what those years may contain.  And yes, there are definite dangers out there, but not necessarily confined to the youth.  Many more "mature" folk get bamboozeled too.  I want to congratulate you upon your elevation to "official" status, as noted in tour "official" welcome.  I'm sure that continued hard work & dedication to this site, you will advance to the higher echelons  of Officialdom.  Good show , carry on with the good works. However beware of becoming a curmudgeon, Look what it got me: a demotion from an EB Member down to serial ex-pat.  An ignomious  (sp) downfall. But, like the Phoenix, .... I shall rise again.    Again, congrats, Robert, well deserved promotion.


too much space between posts,  uses too much paper printing pages.  gets expensive.   how about a little note to acknowledge  our bitching.  Thanks

Bob K

It is not the 16 year old I am worried  about but the 45 year old pervert who is lurking here and everywhere.

Bob K