
Holiday Season here in DR.


Its a good time to talk about the holiday season.  Lets talk about your experiences here during the holidays,  security,  how to get the most out of the season and of course how to build a snowman out of sand! 

Basics -  the DR is predominantly a Catholic country and Christmas is important.  The "season" starts about  December 15 and runs until just after 3 Kings Day which is in early January.

December - a 13th "paycheck" is distributed in December and by law must be paid out before December 20th.  This puts a lot of money on the streets and there are those intent on taking advantage of this. Be extra careful this month,

The holidays are about  family,  community and squeezing as much fun out of this month as possible. It is a time for dinners,  drinking and dancing!  For family,  friends and frolicking..... 

This will be my 13th Christmas here in paradise and this one should be legendary!

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideOUCH!! I flunked the DR's "practical" Driving Test!!!Vacuum cleaner, sewing machine, printerLooking for U.S. Federal Employees that have retired in the DRDrivers license

I didn't think that it could get worse, but it ure as hell did!  SMALLER PRINT & LIGHTER BLU> I can't abide by this any more .Bye for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gypsy complaining here in this thread won't help solve it.


Yes holiday season is here and that means is time for the dominicanos ausentes come back to make bulto with a few bucks after they have been there moppin flors and fixing toilets hahaha.


As they are fondly referred to Dominicanyorks, they come back for holidays here and play the part of being successful in the land of gold......when most work really hard just to stay afloat.  They often bring gifts and throw money around, buying rounds etc.


Okay... I'm new to this board so I hope this isn't out of line.

My first Christmas experience in the DR was 2 years ago and it worked so well we are going back again this year (arriving in 2 weeks).  We are Canadian and we've been to the DR numerous times over the last 30 years in all kinds of settings.  In recent years we fell in love with Cabarete and have been here a number of times.

And so the idea was conceived here 2 years ago... lets just make Christmas simple and go away. I can tell you that as the dreaded holiday season approached and it dawned on me that all that work and stress was not my problem this time it immediately felt like the right choice.

There is nothing like waking up on Christmas morning and going for a long walk on a warm beach.

One of the memorable events was when the family left me to do grocery shopping for the Christmas dinner. The condo manager arranged for a driver because I was told (wrongly) that i'd have much more selection if I drove into the larger grocery store in Sosua rather than nearby Janets.

The driver was a friendly guy and very talkative....Pablo.  But he didn't speak a word of English and my Spanish was tourist grade.  Despite that he happily talked my ear off the whole time.  Now I had an extensive grocery list and I tend to be a methodical shopper, so I was totally unprepared for what happened.

We puled in and parked and I thanked Pablo said I would be about a half an hour.  He didn't understand a word of it and got out faster than me.  Led me into the store.  Selected a grocery cart with a big smile and gestured me to follow. 

It was only when I got there that I realized that many of my items had a different name in Spanish (stupid gringo).  Many items were recognizable.... pepsi, potatoes, bananas....but many weren't. I soon found out that Pablo wasn't a guy who liked to linger in a grocery store... When we got to the harder to find items I began to try and find an interpreter... thankfully a kind woman took pity on us and showed us where things such as honey or sage could be found.

The crescendo of the whole experience was over the search for a turkey.  Pablo had no recognition of the english word.  It was only when I was reduced to pantomiming a turkey that it hit him like a lightening bold.  His eyes gleaming with excitement he blurts out ..."si Butterball !!!".  Then his eyes narrowed as he said seriously "is pabo......not Pablo" as he points at himself.  We both laughed at the joke.

One of many great experiences of a wonderful trip.  I hope to have many more.


Awesome post, great story!

Bob K

Tiredofthe snow great post.

Bob K

Bob K

My first Christmas here was 10 years ago and a lot has changed.  Back then the stores did not do much decorating, play xmas music, have decorations  for sale, no many trees to pick from and so on.

But just like Black Friday they have caught on to the huge and I do mean HUGE amount of money to be made.

And let's not forget that the is the season to give and the PN,AMET, Cestur and such are all out there with there hands out wanting us to GIVE and give often :D

Bob K


Bob you are right over the years the ability to buy Christmas bling has expanded significantly.  One thing I hate -   stores full of Christmas stuff before Halloween.  Yuckkkkkk   and please keep the Christmas music until the end of November.....

Caribbean wantabe

Please explain PN,AMET, Cestur

Do they celebrate halloween by dressing up and going door to door collecting candy?  From my brief and limited observation, I wouldn't expect that.  I am disappointed to hear that Christmas is becoming more commercialized there.  Could this possibly have anything to do with the expectations of ex-pats?


Those are different forms of police here.  They are looking for  "bribes,  tips, assistance"

No they don't celebrate halloween here.  You will find the odd party at school or in bars.

Commercialization is largely a result of tv programs,  commercials etc.  It is also from  Dominicans living abroad then coming home too I think.   But it is getting worse and worse every year.

This year "black Friday" really  grew!

Bob K

Heck back in the States Hallmark stores start putting out Christmas cards, and junk in JULY!!!

I won't buy into that!

Bob K


Nope me either Bob, way too damn commercial!   I prefer how Christmas was and to some degree still is here!


When I talk about Christmas is here -  well first of all it isn't a competition to see who can buy more and better presents. It isn't about how much you spend.

Christmas is about family and community.  You will see entire neighborhoods blocked off  - no cars - there is a party happening here.  Family gets together -  friends too -  on  Christmas eve - that is the big dinner in most families.   Almost everyone has a new outfit to strut around in.  There is lots of food,  drinking, music and often dancing going on.   Christmas day seems to be recovery time.....LOL 

Gifts are primarily for the kids and happen on 3 Kings Day - when the wise men brought their gifts.  Many kids will get a simple gift.  Some get nothing at all and that is  sad.

Lots of organizations here help out those who live in poverty with a "canasta" or box of food for Christmas eve and  later a simple gift for the kids.  But not everyone gets the help they need!!! 

As I said in an earlier post,  anyone working (not under the table)  will get that 13th paycheck and that will go a long way to helping make Christmas special.  But many do not work legally or are self employed  and they don't get this help.

Bob K

Also remember that between December 15 and January 10th or so very little work gets done as too much partying and taking "extra" time off.

Our contractor told us when we were building our house not to expect much to get done during this time as it was hard for him to find 10 sober and willing workers every day during the "Christmas month" :D:D:D

Bob K


So true Bob,  nothing gets done during that time, absolutely  nothing.


ok , after reading your posts about the Christmas month, I better put the pressure on the contractor.. I have 6 days left !  and by the way, will the locals be drunk on xmas eve and day as bad as  they do during the Easter week  ?


YUP!!!!!!!    they can even start a few days early.


Christmas eve you bet, less so Christmas day.  But it is party season for a good month, be extra careful.


Well then , I guess we will stock up on food and run errands first thing in the morning while they are still sleeping off their booze !

Bob K

Not quite as bad as Easter but still pretty bad especially when you consider that the celebration is a couple of weeks long. 

Hunkering down at home is not a bad idea

Bob K


Christmas day you will find most places closed - those open will likely close at  noon or 1pm except the bars, they will be open!


To you all, a safe & fun time during this brief departure from the normal chaos into the maelstrom of the x-mas holiday as evinced by the crazt, off the wall times to come. It ain't hunckering down, it's self preservation of sanity.. If you think this is soething just wait until election time approaches.

Bob K

Oh Gypsy you had to bring up elections.  This is the craziest couple of days, and most dangerous, here. A great time to go on vacation somewhere or again just stay at home the day before till two days after.

Bob K


It is more than a couple of days before & after.  What about the lead up weeks ahead of the elections?  Parades, posters, leaflets arguments, fughts & the drunkenes of the general population when poloticians give out the "baskets" of  of cheer. It seems as if all rational thought & behavior is lost, stuck under the bed until the acceptance of the results.  AND if it is too close, another round of idiocy begins, only ending with the 2nd. round of elections.  To me X-mas is a party time with frustrations while elections are a time of fervid mania.   Yes , a good time to stock up on the necessities & stay low at home.  Just a Tinkers take on things.

Bob K

Gypsy all true and we can pray for not second run-off election. But the worst of it is the week before and the day after.

Thankfully only every 4 years now.

Bob K


Yes,  but lets get back to Christmas,......LOL  one  craziness at a time...

Bob K

Started giving out my "Christmas regalos" yesterday. To our security guards, local AMET (two) who help me during the year, Massage person, electrician, and others. 

Wow between this and the 13th month salary for staff it is a very expensive month.

Bob K


they lifted the booze ban until January. now you can still get the nerve to do the merengue after 3:00 am


I am coming for Xmass in Santiago  :)

This is my second Xmass in RD. The first one was in Samana and we stayed with my ex-gf at las Terrenas.
The 24th is just like any other Christian country, everyone at home with family and friends. Las Terrenas was almost empty the eve of 25. My ex-gf was so sad for not being with her family in Santo Domingo that we picked a big argument because she wanted to take a bus and go back home the 24 in the morning. I told her she should be happy that I was there for her, her family is not going anywhere, there would be other Christmasses to stay with them. She stayed with an attitude. She didn't care for the money I had spend to go there and be with her, something I hated about her.

We had a car ride until Santa Barbara the day of 25th. The pueblos along the way were full of loud music and people going out. I liked very much that atmosphere. It was Party time everywhere :)

For tourists this last 10 days of December everything is hell expensive. Hotels are full and prices are multiplied by 3 or 4 !

Now I am coming for another lady in Santiago, but don't want to go off-topic talking about women.

I am using alternative travel solutions AIRBNB. The offer is aboundant and prices are correct. I am getting an apparement in Santiago and we are going someowhere in the weekend after Xmass.

Like all the Dominicanas she wants to introduce me to her familiy and stay over for the dinner of 24th which is fine (the opposite would be a red flag). The 25th we are going somewhere out of Santiago for the weekend.

I have also noticed Dominicans like to buy new clothes for Xmass and start the new year with brand new outfit and shoes. For at least those who can afford shopping.


Good post.  Yes even the poorest will find a way to get new clothes,  it is tradition. 

I will say the first GF and Christmas in Las Terrenas -  that fight was not about money, that was about you not understanding her culture!  Next year does not matter here, it matters now. That Christmas was all that mattered to her.

Its a common error of expats, and it is not your fault.  You had no way of knowing and understanding. only time and experience will do that.

It was a good lesson, now you know.

Keep us posted on this years experience.  And by the way  prices in all area tourist destinations go their highest at Christmas.


planner wrote:

I will say the first GF and Christmas in Las Terrenas -  that fight was not about money, that was about you not understanding her culture!  Next year does not matter here, it matters now. That Christmas was all that mattered to her.

I realize it now but still...I was "WTF, I have done 8 hours plane to spend the holiday season with you and you want to go back to your family ?"

Normally I would never go in RD for Xmass as a tourist  but it was mostly because it was easy to get work leave and I made a deal with the flight.


Eri76 wrote:

I am coming for Xmass in Santiago  :)

I told her she should be happy that I was there for her, her family is not going anywhere, there would be other Christmasses to stay with them. She stayed with an attitude. She didn't care for the money I had spend to go there and be with her, something I hated about her.

She stayed with a attitude. I can't say I blame her. Many men will come and go in her life and not give 2 shits when they are gone. Her family will always be there for her no matter what. Christmas time is about family and everything else is second.

If you do not recognize that then perhaps you need to examine your own family values.


It's a learning curve! In some cultures family is much less important!


StanR wrote:

If you do not recognize it perhaps you need to examine your own family values.

Wowowow...slowly my friend.   :D

Don't make this personal..

I wasn't there by suprise, she knew we were going somewhere and she didn't say anything. maybe she wanted to please me and she couldn't take it anymore the 24th. I just found it ungrateful and stupid.

I learned that family is a BIG thing in RD. Family can cheat, be fake or interested on many levels, still it is family. And yes you are right, boyfriends may come and go, the family no matter how bad will still be there.

I am not making the same "mistake" with the new GF. She said she had a couple of visits to make the 25th and she said I could walk her to her grandma and sisters if I like. She is handling the whole thing very maturely. She was very upfront as she told me she needed the 24th and 25th to spend some time with her family but that she would be more than happy if I like to go with her.


Back to Christmas...............  its rampant now........Christmas is everywhere,  yup many people have received their Christmas "xtra" paycheck and boy are they spending it.  Stores are busy,  traffic in many places is ridiculous.  Time to be very very careful carrying cash!   

Lots of parties going on everywhere -  lots of drunk drivers on the road so be extra careful please. 

AND enjoy the season, participate,  go shopping early -  you do not want to be in a grocery store on  Wednesday or Thursday next week!!!    Enjoy the parties and most of all dance.....LOL


Merry X-Mas to all. Hope you all receive what you desire.  All I want for Christmas is this site to be usable as the old one was. I know it will happen some dy, just wish it could hurry up. A heartfelt wish for all of you to have a safe  & fun next couple of weeks.


Thanks  Gypsy!  And to you I wish health, happiness and lots of love!


Merry Christmas everyone !!
O'k, finally made it back to paradise and after our first week, things have finally settled down.   Now, SOMEONE must have an idea on 'where' we can find out about all of the planned Christmas and New Years festivities in Sosua and/or Cabarete??    We've looked 'on-line' and only seem to find events that have already transpired.        Any recommendations out there?