
Let me introduce myself


Hi my name is Bill Graham.

In November of 2014, at age 53 with my wife of 18 years Lorilee, and our 12 year old pooch Phoebe, I made the life changing move from Ontario, Canada to San Pedro Town on Ambergris Caye in Belize.

I worked for almost 30 years in Ontario's fast paced construction industry, with the same company for the last 20 years I began as an Electrical Site Foreman and Project Coordinator and over that time worked my way up to the position of Senior Project Manager responsible for multi million dollar projects and to organize and supervise all trades and aspects of construction in the companies custom home building division.

Lorilee spent over 20 years in the food service industry as the manager of several stores. She spent the last 13 years with the same company, in the position of General Manager of six locations of a well known chain of fast food restaurants.

After 25 years, the combination of construction work and cold Canadian winters were beginning to take their toll on my joints, then in January of 2014, just as I wondered what I could do to get another 13 years out of my body and reach retirement age, Lorilee came home from the doctors office with the order to "quit her job or soon die working". Her stressful job had caused what her doctor believed was her second minor stroke. It was obvious that we both needed a change of lifestyle and yet, we knew that changing our jobs was not a lasting answer as our personalities would have led us right back into the same situations in a very short time.

As I began to research on-line opportunities for me, and early retirement solutions for her, and after crunching the income numbers we would require it was evident that we could not retire early in Canada and sustain ourselves for very long. Then it happened, on the right side of my computer screen a small ad popped up that read, "Retire in Costa Rica on $800.00 per month." That truly was the first time that I entertained the thought that maybe we could both retire early. Although Lorilee strongly objected at first, we began to research this idea together and a few months later came up with a two year plan to retire to Costa Rica. Well, so much for plans, we ended up all in and moved to Belize just six months later.

I am now retired and have been in Belize for just over a year now since Nov. 2014. The experience has been rewarding from the points of view of both health, happiness, and lifestyle. I now pay it forward by providing unbiased information, or as I say, "the unbelizeable truth" to anyone thinking about moving, living, or retiring to Belize. I am not so much about promoting Belize (although I find myself doing it all of the time) as I am about helping people realize the questions that they need to ask and so often don't even realize to ask because of the many things we take for granted in other parts of the world.

I look forward to taking part in the forum to help others as well as learn from those that are here. I look forward to meeting everyone as time goes by.

Regards Bill

See also

Living in Belize: the expat guideConvoys thru mexicoLooking to connect with other expat familiesDating and finding love as an expat in Belizeeasy to make friends?
G & J 19

Cheers Bill
We are coming over in January for a look around Corozal and San Pedro. If I have any questions after would it be ok to send you a message?
Speak soon and all the best


Thank you for the message Glenn, it's nice to meet you.

Absolutely Glenn, talking about Belize is what I Love to do now. Don't feel you have to wait to ask questions if they come up. San Pedro and Corozol are two great places to start sandals in the sand research.

There are often questions we don't realize to ask as a result of things we take for granted living in other parts of the world. If I don't here from you, enjoy you time in Belize.

Where will you be visiting from?

Regards Bill.

G & J 19

The UK, I was posted to Belize whilst in the Army in the 80's and loved every second


Ah.......during or around the time of Independence. There have been a few changes but I understand the feel is still the same as it was back then.


Hello Bill,

Thank you for the offer!  My husband and I are hoping to move to Belize also!  We are coming out for 3 weeks to Plancencia in April and hope to come back to Alberta, sell everything, and move.  Any chance we could get together and pick your brain while we are there??  We hope to rent a car and visit different locations.




Hi Monica;
I love meeting fellow Canadians here in Belize and it would be great to meet you both in person. If you  have any questions feel free to contact me and we can set up a private video chat prior to your visit. Sometimes it is helpful to know some of the questions that we don't think to ask about the things that we take for granted living in Canada.

G & J 19

About 6 years after independence but it was great back in the day. I know San Pedro has changed considerably as has Belize city, we will be in San Pedro around the 20th Jan, I'll let you buy me a beer😁


I'll look forward to it. Beliken, the beer of Belize, 3 for BZ$10.00 at most places. lol

G & J 19

Ahhhhh, Belikan,, I'm sure they brewed that in Ladyville, although I may be mistaken. I do know I drank Schlitz as, at the time, Belikan tasted awful. I have no doubt that it has changed and I intend to try it lots to prove that🍻


Thanks Bill!
So a quick question.  What would you say a typical month of expenses would be (in Canadian dollars).  Rent, food, internet and electricity.  We are thinking of living in San Ignacio (which seems to be less expensive than San Pedro).  I heard $500 US a month for rent is possible.  We`d like a 2 bedroom, 2 bath but would take a 1 and 1 house too.  Your thoughts?  Thanks!


Good Morning Monica & Claude;
A quick question with no quick answer. Everyone's reality is different but I will share our reality with you.

We have converted to BZ$ in our minds. BZ$2.00 is fixed at US$1.00 and I will let you convert that to CAN$ as that is an ever moving target.

We live in San Pedro which is the most expensive place in Belize to live. We are the first occupants in a brand new 2 bedroom 1 bath and rent it for BZ$2000.00/Mo. which is fully furnished and includes internet and CATV (CATV around $BZ$44.00/Mo. and internet starts at BZ$80.00/Mo. and goes up from there depending on required speeds). The Electricity is on average around BZ$140.00/Mo. Some months less and can be up to BZ$180.00/Mo. during the 2-3 months we use Air Conditioning a lot. We spend BZ$250.00/week for all groceries and household items. We put BZ$1000.00/week into our Belize chequing account and at the end of each month after paying our rent, groceries, utilities and BZ$200.00 to renew our visitor visa we transfer BZ$800.00 - $1000.00 into our savings account.

We don't do the bar/restaurant scene which will drive that cost up and live very simple here. Our motto is to live on what we need and not what we want. The vehicles here on the island are typically rental golf carts that rent from $US 500.00 -$US750.00/Mo. We live a 30 minute walk from downtown and gave up our cart shortly after we arrived. The only thing that the golf cart was really handy for was to get groceries and we found a grocery store that delivers, so now we walk along the beach to town once a week to do our banking, buy our meat at the Meat shop, our vegetables at the vegetable stands, then go to the grocery store for our household items and packaged goods and get delivered home with the lot.

We were just in San Ignacio a few weeks ago and intend to move there early in the new year. I believe we can cut our budget by at least half. US$500.00/Mo. for rent is very doable, as a matter of fact we saw some nice 2 Bedroom homes for between BZ$500- 750.00/Mo. You will find your budget can go down as you get to know and build relationships the locals you deal with, the reality is that there are two prices here, one for locals and one for visitors so it is always good to casually let them know that you are a resident and not a visitor.

Creature comforts are expensive here, things like Canadian chocolate, Brand name cereals and that sort of thing. Some other things are expensive as well like milk for example is BZ$10.95 for a half gallon, electronics, bedding and linens are expensive and in general the quality of most things is not what we are used to in Canada. That been said the staples like groceries are very reasonable if you shop at the markets and local vendors. San Ignacio has a huge Market that sells just about everything reasonably. Also you can find great street vendors with very reasonable local foods, for example we purchased three huge burritos in San Ignacio and paid BZ$7.50 (cheaper then cooking at home).

Again I believe that we can easily get our budget down to under CAN$2000.00/Mo. once we move to San Ignacio. As a newcomer you should expect to pay a bit more maybe. Belize is a land of opportunity, You just need to find a place you are happy to land in and be prepared to rent long term (6 months), then be open with people about what you would like to find and then as you meet people and as time goes by you will find better and better situations to meet your needs.

A bit of a long winded answer I know but there is no short reply to any question in Belize. It is also good to have someone help you out when you first come to answer questions that we often don't think to ask because of the things we take for granted in Canada. Things like does the house have Electricity, is there hot water? Is it at all the sinks or just the shower? We have looked at many houses since arriving and only ever saw one with a bathtub and even a few with the shower outdoors. Is the water supplied by the town system or is a cistern used which relies on rain to keep you in water. These are just a few things we take for granted and may not think to ask.

I hope this helps and answers your question. If you have any more feel free to ask. Helping others to make an informed decision is my way of paying forward the lifestyle benefits that we have experienced from our move to Belize.

Regards Bill


Thank you so much Bill!  Such an informative answer!  I am sure to have more questions for you!! But for now, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours!!   :)


Happy New Year to you guys as well. We'll talk soon.


sounds like you may have some heart issues.  I had triple bypass 3 years ago and wonder how you deal with that.


Hello Bill, me again!  Did you bring stuff from Canada??  If so, how did you?  Container, or did you drive yourself?  We plan to sell most everything and rent something furnished.  Eventually we would like to bring the stuff we would like to keep over.  It won`t be much but we can`t fly it for sure.  Thanks in advance!


I am happy to see your post, my husband and I dream of retiring  to Belize . We are Canadians as well my problem is we have no idea how to start the process, absolutely any information will be helpful.

Donna Daley


Hi Bill, and welcome.

thank you very much for your post.

My wife and I purchased property in Toledo district and hope to move there within 2 years. We first travelled to Belize in 2014 and fell in love with the country and decided to purchase property. My wife and I live in the US, but as we look towards our future, we concluded that retiring in florida, would be too expensive for us.  We love living in Florida, but as our income becomes more "fixed", we concluded that we needed another option, and Belize turned out to be that option. We've now visited belize 4 times in 18 months for a total of 3 months days and each time we go it just re-confirms the decision we made.



Thank you for your warm welcome to the community.

It's sounds like we have some of the same reasons for choosing Belize. We moved just over a year ago and have no regrets. Sure Belize is a country where things (usually procedural) are more likely to go wrong than right, actually not wrong or right but rather, not as we might have planned. And while some things make me shake my head from time to time, I have learned to say "it is what it is", as a part of accepting and embracing our new home and it's culture.

The few minor procedural inconveniences (part of the learning curve) are certainly out weighed by the quality of health, happiness, and cost of living, that contribute to the overall quality of life we now enjoy. Lorilee and I both agree that it was the right decision for us as well.


Hi, Bill, very informative thread.  My husband and I are in the process of buying a lot near Placencia, BZ. We have friends there,  have visited,  feel so at home there,  and we're jumping in with both feet. Retirement is about 5 years away,  so we hope to erect a small home in the next couple of years. Our next visit will likely be in November 2016 to survey, semi-clear and fill the lot to our specs. Scary but exciting. The idea of not suffering any more Alberta winters is too good to imagine!

You mentioned renting . . .do you ever plan to buy or build? Why or why not?

Have a super day,


Hi Veronica,
Thank you for reading this thread and your reply, I especially appreciate your use of the word “informative” since my goal is to inform (based on my experience) rather than promote or criticize Belize. I hope to help people make informed decisions by sharing my reality without the sugar coating, and while Belize has been a wonderful decision for us, I also appreciate that it is not for everyone and I find myself saying quite often now, “the reasons that we love Belize are the exact same reasons that many others leave”.

With regards to renting, buying, and building. It is evident that you are taking the time to truly research your move, visiting often, talking with friends that are here, etc. that is the best way. However, because of our different situations many of us come here and don’t have that time built experience in the beginning, to those people I recommend renting first until you find the place that fits you, live for up to a year in that area to see the effects of the two seasons, because, we all know that great property bought in dry season may not be so nice when it is under a foot of water for most of the rain season (just as an example).

Although we had our reasons at the time, for us moving to San Pedro was our biggest mistake purely from an economics point of view. It is not the end of the world for us, and the problem is easily rectified with a move soon to San Ignacio, but had we bought or built we could not just pick up and go. We will rent again for probably a year (maybe not the same place, but the same area) and when we find the place that “speaks” to us, then yes we will buy or build at that time.

Had we had your experience we would have bought or built right away, but renting (for now) is part of our due diligence plan. Some people will argue that it is a waste of money to rent, but I also believe that if you buy or build in an area that ends up not being right for you, then selling that dream home might be a nightmare you relive for some time.

A bit long winded, sorry for that. I hope it answers your question.
