
Finding your own jobs once in France with visitor visa?


Hello, does anyone reading this have a good experience of finding work on your own once you were already in France, on a visitor's visa?  If so, did you have to leave the country in order to change your visa to a worker's visa?  You have to do that in some countries.

See also

Working Holiday Visa in France for Japanese nationalsWorking Holiday Visa in France for AustraliansWorking Holiday Visa in France for South KoreansWorking Holiday Visa in France for New ZealandersVisas for France

It's forbidden to search a job with a touristic visa.

You must find a job before to come or ask a visa for job looking to the French Embassy  (duration three months) or on site at the end of your touristic visa. But, in both cases, you must prove that you have enough money to stay all this time.


Thank you Stefifi, so as I understand it, you are saying that you can apply online for a work visa, as your tourist visa is about to expire.  But, it is forbidden to investigate any possibility of a job available,  before you ask for a work visa?


You can apply for a searching of job before instead a touristic visa. A work visa it's only when you have a job.

If some authorities know you investigate job with the touristic job, you will have problems. Because all is known...

But do you speak French??? As Canadian, I suppose a little, but what is your level exactly and what is your job area???


I lived in Japan with a tourist visa, and then one day was offered a writing position because I'd worked as a writer in Canada.  I had to stay two days out of the country to change my visa status to an employee one.  I chose to spend that time in Korea.    My questions about France are based on this kind of situation - and the 'what if?' factor.


Hello Lindajeane,

I'm not sure if you would need to leave the country in order to change your status. However, before you get to that point, you need a visa that allows you to work and live in France.

If you don't have a work visa or a carte/titre de séjour you will not be legal to work in France. You can apply for a work visa but they are very difficult to come by, as the French, like many EU countries, want to keep the jobs they do have for their citizens. The other way to get one is to find a company who will sponsor you. I know people who have done this, and for one it took a long time to find a job and for the other it was quicker. Typically, I think it's difficult to do, but it totally depends on your industry. Lastly, if you have a job in Canada and can do it remotely (I.e. in France) and can prove that you have enough income to support yourself and not become a burden to the state (France), you can get a carte/titre de séjour to live here. I myself have not done that so I cannot give you any advice on what that entails.

Best of luck to you!!!


Merci Selm!!


Thank you everyone!


Hello Linda,

Legally you r not allowed to look for a job with a touristic visa in France. stiffifi is right. [Moderated]

I dont think you need to get out of the country to get another visa for job looking if I am not mistaken.

You will need to assess your french with a french diploma as well and prove that you ahave eough savings to live byyourself while you look for your job.

Cheers !

Moderated by Bhavna 9 years ago
Reason : Exercise caution while giving some infos.