tea in Kazakhstan
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Greetings! I write a tea blog and someone mentioning plans to travel Kazakhstan made me curious about what types of tea are produced or drank there. Just a bit of internet research seemed to indicate production is limited (or likely tea can't be grown there) but consumption of various imported teas is significant. Can anyone provide input about that, what types are preferred, and what are local, traditional variations?
I'm from the US and live in Bangkok, so this review is a bit random. I've traveled around Asia a lot (to Indonesia last, last month) but I'm not sure when I'll ever make it to places other than the Southern and Eastern Asian countries.
I moderate an international-theme tea group on Facebook but discussion tends to focus more on Western imported tea consumption from places like China, Japan and India. I've tried two teas from Nepal (or four, counting two commercial versions, but blogging usually relates to better specialty teas), and lots from smaller producer countries like Indonesia, Cambodia, and Korea, but of course none yet from Kazakhstan, but again it seems like tea isn't produced there, only drank there.
Because of "uncivilised and childish" behaviour from moderators, I have stopped posting in this forum. However, your topic compelled me to post few words as I am a great fan of varieties of Teas. I always love to talk and drink tea and love talking while drinking. My few comments about tea:
1. I think you are right when you say that Tea is not grown in Kazakhstan. Most of the Kazakhstan has extreme temperature. Too hot in summer and too cold in winter. The temperature in the South Kazakhstan could be little mild in winter but I got to know from people that Tea is not grown in this country. I live in the North (Central North - Capital Astana) and all the places around me are covered in snow at the moment.
2. When I go to shop to buy teas, I have seen only the foreign teas. They are from India, China, Sri Lanka and Kenya. They are definitely imported but some may have been packed in Kazakhstan. I am not sure of this fact.
3. Most of the people drink black tea with milk and sugar. Other varieties of tea are not so famous here.
4. I am happy to know that you have tasted tea from India and Nepal as I come from the region and love the teas from my hills. I am also involved in small tea trading business and import it from Assam, India. However, the business is not so successful as I lack good networking and to some extent, the market is overcrowded/saturated.
5. Please share your blog link and skype details. We can have some private discussions.
From your chat about The tea guys I d like to drink a cup of tea )))In general nice topic about the tea!In fact we can grow it but no one engages in tea.I know that my granny grew her own sort of tea in mountains as so her house is near to.(now she is very old to continue her hobby;)))And her grown tea wasn't worse than any imported teas)))))
That's a great twist that you have that personal experience with tea growing, even if a bit second hand. I've visited people growing tea two places and they grow it in the country I live in now, Thailand, but I really only have experience drinking it personally, not making it.
This was really just a whim but I'll stick with it a bit and see what turns up. Would the original tea tradition have related to how tea is made in Mongolia? I thought I'd read they do a version of butter tea, as in Tibet. At some point if traditions change it stops mattering what people did in the past, at least mostly so. Here in Thailand the ties to Chinese tea production probably go back centuries, and some tea trees are said to be that old, but whatever people did 100 years ago is all but lost and forgotten.
Black tea with milk and sugar is pretty common in lots of places. Here modern production is lighter style oolong, an import from Taiwan, began 20 or 30 years ago, but Thais don't drink much tea. Restaurants serve lemon iced tea or black tea with sweetened condensed milk is popular, usually iced, but then it's hot here. I like various Chinese teas the best myself, darker oolongs the best, but as a tea blogger I try a lot of types.
The first half of that article post is up now:
http://www.tching.com/2016/02/tea-in-ka … -part-one/
It's a bit disruptive to only cover the history and background first, with the second half actually getting into traditional forms of tea drinking there, and modern consumption, but it's a start. The article worked out well, and I really appreciate some great input from people here about the subject.
lhttp://teaintheancientworld.blogspot.co … n.html?m=1
Thanks, always nice to hear nice feedback. This is the whole post in my own blog, instead of the site I contributed it to. The posts are often research oriented, but since it is a tea blog some are mostly reviews.
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