The Song of My Life in Jordan
It's called
عشق الكتابة
or Kan Al Wahem --- by Fares Mehdi...
This song is the song of my Life in Jordan---for me and's sad but we don't go by the actual meaning...but this song is very special to my husband and I....Its a very sad sad sad song, but it's sooo beautiful...... we used to listen to it together when we were going through those really hard hard times.....I thought I'd share it with you all...because it means so much to me.
Why the sadness!!??u are together,u have good love story,Think happy and u would be happy,I would dance with my GF and listen to happy songs even if my life misery,but she & I have to make yourself happy for the moment we are together,forget reality life for the time we together and live the moments.Make it unforgettable moments of love and happiness that took ur breath away ..
I just wish that could be ....
I wish happiness was easy to accomplish.
But it's not.
Actually we have sort of, an unfortunate set of circumstances, Fouad and I.
I was forced to come back the States, in order to earn money for us to open an unfurnished
apartment back in Jordan. Because I lost my job there, and then his income with the momayez was no where near enough to pay for rent, even the cheapest rent. Or he could scrape the money, but only in return for never being home, for us never to have time together, or to go anywhere.
It's been a VERY VERY VERY hard last year for us. I've been through three jobs. WHY? I wish I knew.
They just hire you for 3 months, and then say, by by. And not just me, a lot of my co-workers that I worked with had the same thing happen to them.
It's just such hard life. For me, I'm willing to live in the desert, you know, in a tent, until things open up.
My happiness is when I can spend time with my Husband, and when I can be close to him. So this song kind of what I feel, at this point....even though the words , don't have anything to do with my situation, but the sadness that I feel goes with the tone of this song on a daily basis.
I'm not here because I want to be. I wish I was back in Jordan. I wish I never had to leave. I wish that i was able to get another job, I wish I had stability. I wish I had my husband with me.
So it's that constant loneliness that makes life sometimes unbearable. The days just seem to drag on. Even when I'm at work. And you know I don't need money to be happy. I'm so happy just being in the most simplest of circumstances. Buy my best friend, my life partner, needs money to be happy. I don't. I don't want money. I just want my husband. He's thinking of going back to the Army, and that's like THE WORST thing that could happen, cause that'd mean, years would go by, and we'd never see each other. I just don't know how those Jordanian women do it, where they see their husband maybe just one day a week, and then sometimes their husbands leave for years at a time to whatever foreign country. TO me that's just not a life that'd be worth living. I think people are more important then money. Money can come, and go. But all of the hardest circumstances, are tolerable, when you have that loved next to you through all the hard times.
I swing sometimes between extreme hopelessness, and contentment. . I'm going back to Jordan in the middle of January, but I just feel like that day is so very far away. If it were up to me, I'd go back tomorrow. But I know that Fouad would never be around with me, and he'd always be gone working.
Happiness is not in America, nor in Amman, nor with a million dollar bank account, but with the people we love the most and with those who love us. --That's such a concept that I wish I could convince to my dear husband.
Come on FouadsBaby,Give me a break,money is very important base for a relationship,all this misery and sadness u living is due short of money,if foud have a good Job with good income in Jordan u would not have to leave Jordan to the states to make some money.
Maybe Jordan is not the best place to live in,but if u have money first then love ,any where u live in would good.
Forget romance and love ,Live reality we need to have money or some income to start a good life.
I mean, yeah, in some ways, but ---you know it's not the basis of all happiness...but that's just my opinion. It's difficult when you're poor.
Here is another one that has very beautiful and special memories of Jordan and my dear husband Fouad.....This is like one of our many other songs we chersh...
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