
13th month pay



Is 13th month pay common in Malta for companies doing software/web?  :/

Thanks !

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Job offers in MaltaFinding work in GozoFinding work in MaltaFinding work in Saint Julian'sSetting up a business in Malta

No, neither is the 14th. But, to compensate they take much less taxes from your pay.


Manliogman6 wrote:

No, neither is the 14th. But, to compensate they take much less taxes from your pay.

Can't understand this post, salaried staff usually get paid per calender month (12) or every 28 days (13) but I have never heard of 14.  Plus the tax is on earnings in a 12 month period not on how often you get paid!



I never heard of a ' 13 th salary ' in Malta . In other countries like Germany many get a proportion of their regular salary before Christmas.  Some even 100 % ! And some ( working for banks ) even get another salary bonus in February.

But we are talking about Malta , I think . So forget what you know from other countries and be glad if you even get  your salary paid on time -)))

Is a 13 th salary usually paid in Tunesia ?

So the answer to your question is a big no.



Ray, in some countries (like Austria, for instance), employees get 14 salaries per year, i.e. the normal salary every month PLUS twice the salary in December (it's called Christmas-pay - Weihnachtsgeld) and twice the salary in summer (it's called holiday pay - Urlaubsgeld). This is by law (in Austria). As salary is usually defined by month (not per year) in Austria, you need to multiply your monthly salary by 14 to get your annual salary. As in the English-speaking world pay tends to be indicated per annum most of the times, anyway, it is rather uncommon to speak of 13 or 14 salaries in this sense.

By the way, the 13th and 14th salary are taxed differently (less tax), and also treated differently with respect to social security (in Austria, at least, social security payments depend on the salary). Tax is deducted before you even get your salary, i.e. the employer has to pay the tax to the tax office - and every year in January on TV there are TV spots by the state / tax office that, if you submit your tax declaration, you can get money back (in other words, they take away more tax than is legal, and hope many people forget to claim their money back...)

To make things even more complicated, the 13th and 14th salary only apply for employees (they get salaries), not for workers (they get wages, and there are only 12 per year) - as defined by the law. And formerly, some state-owned companies (e.g. the Austrian postal service and the Austrian railways) even paid 15 or 16 salaries... so much for equal rights :)


14th salary is something I've only ever heard in Germany where it's common in some industries e.g. banking or insurance (basically anywhere with a good labour agreement ;)) to get paid an additional holiday pay ("Urlaubsgeld") and Christmas pay ("Weihnachtsgeld") which is basically the 13th and 14th salary.


bernie_iris_fabian_david, just saw your post when I refreshed! You beat me to it ;)


Regular employees in Brazil have the 13º salary, payed 40% until de November, 20 and 60% until December, 15. The government emplyoees have 14º salary too.


He 's talking about the 13th salary not salaries paid the 13th of every month :)


blackangelheart there's the 14th even in italy in the month of july/august


maleko there are i think 2 bonuses ...i think one in january and it's about 90 euros...i've read...but i dont live there yet ...but i am sure i've herad of them


A 13th month pay is also legally compulsory for employees in France. A 14th month salary also exist in some sectors of industry, as per legally enforced agreements made between employer representatives and employee representatives.


See the top results for google search for malta bonuses.