Hi Judy,
If you try coming to Canada on a Visitor Visa, then you have the problem of trying to convince Canada Border Services Agency that you're really a tourist, and you only will have a limited stay anyway. You need to have proof on arrival that's going to convince them of that, things like your trip itinerary a return ticket (or outbound ticket) for no more than 6 months from your date of entry. You have to prove that you have sufficient finances to support yourself for the entire duration of your stay, otherwise they're going to assume that you intend to work, which is not permitted on a Visitor Visa. You have to also be very careful of the things you bring into Canada with you as well. They're going to check your electronic devices (laptop, cellular phone, etc.) to see if you have any communications with anyone in Canada that might indicate to them that you may try and work without the proper authorization. If they have any doubts at all then they'll do one of 3 things: a) Issue an Exclusion Order which means you go back home on the first available flight and are barred from entering Canada for one year; b) Issue you a Vistor Record, which allows you to enter Canada but sets a fixed date on which you must return to CBSA and leave Canada; or c) Allow you to withdraw your application to enter Canada voluntarily and return home. This option at least will allow you to re-enter Canada at any time afterwards provided you have the right documentation.
Really, if you're intention is to re-locate permanently to Canada then it is far better to jump through all the hoops, find a job or at the very least get a LMO (Labour Market Opinion) and go about it that way directly through the CIC government website. Finding work won't be easy unless you have some special skills, or a profession and experience that will help you. If you use an Immigration Consultant, just make certain that they are registered with the ICCRC (Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Commission) and that you obtain their registration number and check them out on the ICCRC website before you pay them anything. Remember, no matter what you do, you're going to have to satisfy all of the CIC requirements for a visa anyway and even a reputable consultant cannot give you any guarantee that you will obtain a visa.
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