The so-called "data" coming out of Brazil simply can't be trusted, there is NO SCIENCE behind any of it, and worse still the WHO (Same wacky organization that told us all we shouldn't eat bacon and processed meats because they're more dangerous than the atomic bomb) is blowing the whole issue out of proprortion. They've gone so hog wild over this issue as to stretch their credibility to the breaking point. And now the WHO is also telling us that sugar is the new public enemy #1 too. Looks like the inmates have taken over the insane asylum.
First of all Zika Virus is not a deadly disease, it causes flu--like symptoms that pass in a few weeks. The sloppy research here in Brazil can't even make any concrete connections between Zika and Microcephaly, but the mere thought of a disease that could "possibly" cause birth defects causes more panic than Dengue, which has resulted in thousands of deaths ever could.
It might be worth your while to read my posting on the Brazil Forum, especially reply #5, #14, and #15.
Dengue has been rampant in Brazil since long before I arrived in Brazil 14 years ago. At that time spraying was commonplace. Trucks circulated in every city and for a while it looked like they were even getting close to a final solution to the Aedes aegypti mosquito problem. Then suddenly, and with no explanation, the government simply abandoned all efforts. Had they not done so none of these diseases would even be a problem now.
In the USA, a country with superb healthcare there are 12 cases of microcephaly for every 10,000 births. There are approx. 1.4 million births a year in the USA. Using that figure one can predict approx. 1,600 cases of microcephaly would then occur naturally in a country that until now didn't have Zika Virus.
In Brazil there were 1,046,135 births last year, so using the same figure there should be expected to naturally occur at least 1255 cases of microcephaly even if there was no Zika Virus. Brazilian authorities can't even come up with a reliable figure for the number of cases, let alone confirm if they are even microcephaly or not.
There is a political agenda hidden behind all of this. An agenda that is sinister and just can't be trusted. I don't know whether it is intended simply to take the Brazilian population's minds off the numerous political corruption scandals, or if it is to start building a tailor made excuse for a failure of the 2016 Olympic Games because of incompleted infrastructure projects and Guanabara Bay which is so polluted as to be toxic. Maybe it is a combination of both that this government has an eye on. Who knows?
If there is any scientific or medical evidence that Zika is even remotely related to microcephaly, it certainly isn't coming from Brazil. Our researchers are incompetent and cannot be trusted. There is also no scientific or medical proof that Zika is transmitted sexually, while it may well be, the research is simply not there and there aren't even sufficient suspected cases to even determine whether or not it is.
James Experts Team