
Expatriates in Umbria near or in Spoleto


Looking to meet Expatriates in Umbria near or in Spoleto.

See also

Living in Italy: the expat guideHi there 👋 expats in the Sesto Calende/Arona area ?Parzanica, Sarnico, Iseo, Lago d'IseoUS expats living near Lake Garda?Searching For English-Speaking Italian Renovations Manager

Hello Elly0857,

Welcome on board  :)

A few words about yourself will surely get you some responses.



Hello Bhavna,

Thanks for your response and kind welcome to the group. My profile is complete and gives all the information about myself and plans to move to Spoleto, so I am not sure what more I can say.  The only response I received was that that I am the only American Expatriate living in Umbria.  Do you know of any other sites or ways I can try to connect with Expatriates in the area I will be living?  I am on Facebook sites and I am following blogs but I have not had any responses to this request.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Best regards,


Re Hi Elly,

Well, you can do a quick search on the Italy social network by inserting the nationality and status.

I saw some websites/posts on google but they are quite old. Your embassy can surely guide you and help you out.



Have you found any by now ? Just curious, and not a US expat, but a Dutchie with LOTS of US contacts :-)


Hi Elly,
My wife and I are South Africans living near Cannara (Collemancio is about 750m from our house), so we are not far from Spoleto.
If you are still in Spoleto we can hook up for coffee some time?
We'll be back in Italy from the end of November for 2 months: ***.
best regards

Moderated by Priscilla 7 years ago
Reason : Do not post your personal contact details on a public forum for your own security


We love Italy. We were married in Venice nearly 30 years ago and travel to Italy whenever we can.

Now we are thinking about buying a small apartment, possibly in Spoleto to live in up to 3 months a year.

We are planning a trip there this spring to check out the area.

While we are starting to learn Italian, we have a ways to go. Do many people in Spoleto speak English? Just wondering what to expect.



Hi,surfing the expat forum and spotted your entry.Spent two weeks in Spoleto in September and absolutely fell in love.Stayed in the old center and became absolutely enamored with the people and sights-sensory candy! We also are looking to buy an apartment;looked at several while there.Speaking Italian is no problem-a smile and hand signals go a long way.All the main sights are walk-able and helped by the incredible escalator system.The Rocca(fortress)is one of the wonders of the world.Accommodation and food a bargain.On arrival get an Umbria Pass-fantastic value on the best of train and bus systems for 40 Euros/7 days.In the main piazza head for the cafe with the most umbrellas and ask for the American lady Francesca.She has lived in Spoleto for 6 years and all seem to know her.After running into her on the street she proceeded to contact real estate agents who showed us several places.Francesca is looking to buy herself and is a mine of knowledge.Hope my post proves helpful and inspiring.As the brand says:"Just do it!"