
Query on dependent Family Visa in Oman


Please provide your advice on my below query.

I am working in Muscat and have residence permit. My wife went to india more than one year back and wants to return back to muscat now, She holds valid visa and residence card.

Is there any immigration rule that dependent family should enter oman within one year, to keep the visa valid

(or) for the above case i need to apply for new residence visa for my wife.

See also

General visa requirements for OmanHow to get passport and visa for a newborn in OmanI lost my Oman visaVisa cancellationGamca unfit

Hi vinonline,

The family joining rules have been made more stringent since of late.

As per the last update, a family member cannot stay outside of the country for a continuous period of 3 months. Failure to be return to Oman by that time would result in their visa getting cancelled.

But there are instances where this rule has not been implemented. So it is better for you to check with your company PRO as to what is the latest on the subject.

As you may probably be aware, rules here keep changing ever so often. So what was good enough yesterday may not be good enough today.

In your own interest, find out the concerned Directorate's latest directives on this issue.