
Tips and advice to thrive in Ghana



When living in a foreign country, you have to adapt to a new environment, various cultures and different social codes.

How did you manage to adjust to Ghana?

How long does it take to feel at home? Would you say it is an easy process?

According to you, what is key for a successful integration process in Ghana?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience!


See also

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Hello there
My name Safwat, I am from Syria, actually I wasn't imagine that one day I will come to Ghana, when  I had come I decided I will not stay for  a long, but day after day I had statrted feel relife with the people as well as the country.
The advices I can say it in this context are:
Firstly, try to learn Ghana's language, to be specific with you, Ghana has about 12 languages but the most important one is called TWE which it is Accra's language, and most of people around Ghana can understand it, indeed, it's easy language, you don't need to learn it entirely, some words will be enough for you to understand the meaning conversation.
Secondly, Ghana is a fresh market, and growing quickly in various fields, especially the construction, I recommend you to focus on it, if you want to start your work rapidly.
Finally, Ghana is rich of nice natural places, try to visit them in weekend, you will be very excitement, and definitely you will recharge the battery.
Please, for any further information  Email me on xxx
Best regrads

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Hi there Safwat,

Welcome to Ghana, specifically Accra the capital. Undoubtedly Ghana is a remarkable international city where the locals have this incredible ability to welcome foreigners with open arms.

Nonetheless, since you've made a lot of striking observations already, I wish to advice you that if you are going to reside in Accra you should make it an effort to learn the Ga language which in fact is the language of the people of Accra, their ability to embrace all peoples from all places and walks of life has become detrimental to their culture and langauge in a way you Safwat has so well illustrated here, that is to say the indigenous people of the capital speak Ga. The Ga language is just as easy as the Twi language. It so happens that the Twi speaking Ghanaians converged on the capital in droves and have outnumbered the local Gas, that is why it seems to you technically that Twi is easy or the most spoken by the locals. We the people of Ghana are not at conflict and God forbid will never be, but such are the little nuisances that if overlooked for too long breeds contempt.

I can assure you, if you want to learn Ga, you will find lots of willing people to teach you. It is beautiful, warm and cajoling. The Ga speaking indigenous people of the capital do not appreciate being marginalized in their language or culture, but will always remain accommodating to all peoples from far and near. The Ga language is alive and well, I will not make any disparaging remarks about Ghana's other beautiful languages, which I would wish you'd take time to study as well. You've come a long way babe, go the extra mile!

ATUU OBA GA - Welcome to Accra !!!


Hello my freind
I appreciate your tips a whole lot, could you teach me? How long it will take to learn it?


Indeed Safwat,

As you have so humbly requested, could you graciously send me an email contact, and I will give you a PDF. file of a book I created for my daughter.

You may email me at xxx

Thanks and best wishes.

Moderated by Bhavna 9 years ago
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