How do you find accomodation in Iran
Hi. My name is Hossein and I'm an Iranian. I've been living about 5 years in the UK and I took different accomodation in Manchester and London. However, I came up with many difficulties to find and settle down them.
So, I'm really wondered to see how foriegners buy or rent their accomdations in Tehran and other cities?
Hi Hossein,
Try to have a look at the housing in Iran section. You can even post an advert there.
Good luck,
Hi, Hossein, and welcome to the forum.
I'm slightly off topic here, but are you finding more expats are filtering into Iran now the political situation is easing?
(Keeping politics out of the thread save to mention the obvious).
It would be interesting to know what sort of rents a foreigner generally pays, and other details that expats would have to consider if they moved to Iran.
I'm taking a guess the number of ESL teachers is going to mushroom, so there are likely to be a few people interested in any possible answers.
Dear christin,
Tnx for your reply. The thing I was actually looking for was to see the expats' experience after they settle down and share their stories; either it was hard or not to find it, what method did they use, and how reliable it was.