
Environmental protection in Ghana



Environmental protection is a challenging issue for all the countries around the world. Would you say this issue is deemed of significance in Ghana?

Is the country going green through initiatives like waste management and selective sorting programs, renewable energies, public transport, green awareness campaigns and so forth?

How do you personally commit to improve the environment in your daily life?

We would greatly appreciate if you could tell us more about the various local initiatives for sustainable development in Ghana.

Many thanks in advance!


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Apart from a few NGOs who creatively use waste and the use of glass bottles in bead making there is virtually nothing in the way of environmental protection. On a personal level I recycle plastic bags, save and reuse glass jars and try and return empty beer bottles. We also have a compost heap for peelings, grass cuttings and anything else that is compostable


Moderated by Christine 9 years ago
Reason : please post in the classifieds section. Thank you.

Well, I was an environmental consultant for a year in Ghana. I must say it was a challenge. Like Hkann says, there isn't much in the line of environmental protection and yet there is so much to be done.


the plastic industry is said to be switching to degradable plastic bags to stop pollution due to so many plastic bags on the streets and on the beaches of the country and one major retail shop, Melcom Ghana, has started replacing non degradable carrier bags with degradable ones.

Also, one major NGO is also starting a campaign against open defecation by informing the populations about the dangers of this practice and also providing latrines at lower costs.

Indeed a lot more remains to be done in order to have significant changes, and population information and involvement in this process is key.

Personally, i often replant fruits seeds to grow trees in the yard instead of throwing them away, i avoid as much as possible carrier bags from shops and super markets because they would just end up piling up. I do use fruits and vegs peelings as compost and learn different ways to reuse plastic bottles and empty water sachets (for example i use empty water sachets to store fruits cubes in the freezer - got this tip from a friend of mine  ;)  ). i also store empty sachet water, some people collect them and bring them back to the water companies for recycling. and when i need to dispose of something i hold on to it until i get to a dust bin instead of throwing it on the streets. For the latter, i might end up holding on to my item the whole day until i get home because there is a huge problem with refuse processing, and not enough dust bins on the streets considering the population pressure.

I do hope more things be done so this phenomenon will be controlled soon enough. More suggestions are very welcome.
Thank you   :up:


I would just like to post this link in regards to waste management. I think this would be good employment ideas for someone. … -business/
Have a great day!