
Environmental protection in Greece

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Environmental protection is a challenging issue for all the countries around the world. Would you say this issue is deemed of significance in Greece?

Is the country going green through initiatives like waste management and selective sorting programs, renewable energies, public transport, green awareness campaigns and so forth?

How do you personally commit to improve the environment in your daily life?

We would greatly appreciate if you could tell us more about the various local initiatives for sustainable development in Greece.

Many thanks in advance!


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Hi Kenjee
I'm not a big activist but I do my best with recycling and Athens does have waste sorting. A container for glass, for paper etc.
Where I live now I saw it working well but I'm sorry to say that in my previous neighborhood I saw by chance that the recycling waste was collected in the the same garbage truck as regular waste, which was quite disturbing.


I have also seen the blue bins for the recycling thrown in with the general rubbish by the council collectors which was a bit upsetting so now I dont bother to use the separate bins,thats a pity.One day we were driving in a road in Egaleo and we got stuck behind the rubbish vehicle and every single bin stop they threw it all in together.The management of environmental protection here is very poor in my opinion and the mentality of many of the citizens is equally so,I could sometimes weep when I see the amount of rubbish left by the sea on a coastal road that I use to get to my cottage just one hour and a half from Athens,its so bad and unbelievable,shocking and then it is blown by the winds all winter and the stray dogs and cats open it.Sometimes when we drive through a forest area on the way some Greeks put up huge notices saying..the forest is not for your rubbish,dont throw it down,think about your environment people..but I think that is also blown to the wind.I sometimes clean the rubbish from the beaches near my cottage but I do it when nobody is about as they look at me as if Ive gone mad.Most Greeks will just throw down any rubbish they have in their hands no matter how big or small and I have heard them teaching their children to do the same unfortunately which is sad.


Greece is a wide open canvas for many initiatives. I think this EU country can easily be given the title of 'Green Playground' of the future.


Recycling does not exist on the islands - and rubbish is everywhere. Such a trragedy to despoil the environment, but it's just like the UK where I live.  People seem happy to live in waste biss...

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