Hey cccmedia,
It wasn’t a super feat, sorry for any misunderstandings. The various departments are within the internet provider, with the municipality being the one to issue the permit to allow cables underground. This request must come from the internet provider. It wasn’t a special feat at all, here are the details:
First you have to inquire at all the internet providers to see which one will offer you fiber optic service to your home. They will look at their maps and determine if there is a close enough fiber cabinet to your residence. Netlife probably didn’t have a close enough fiber cabinet to route a fiber optic cable to your place.
If the ISP says it’s possible, then they have to verify if it’s technically possible, so they will send a team to determine this.
If the team determines it’s possible then you are asked to sign a contract and submit a letter from your building administrator authorizing them to do the installation.
After some time, another team will inspect your premises to see how they will actually route the cable up to the apartment and to which room. They’ll draw diagrams and such.
Then after that happens, another team will come to do the actual installation and run the cable up. It’s not a simple process at all. It literally took hours with guys with hardhats doing whatever it is they do including installing a box in the building (this is for future clients).
Lastly, the network technician will visit to install and configure the modem and router.
This took a little less than 3 weeks, 1 week or so was waiting for the municipality to grant the permit. My friend who is Ecuadorean played a very important role, because he translated for me and softened my words.
for example I would reply something like “You promised internet by the end of the week, but now I know that was all a lie, if it’s not here by the end of the week, our deal is over, I’ll go elsewhere”, into “ Senor V.Simple needs his internet ASAP because it’s important to his livelihood, por favor give us the number of the installation technicians so we can coordinate with them an exact date and time to inspect his apartment.” If we didn’t call two or three times and week and speak directly with the people doing each task, I am 100% certain it would have token much longer. TVcable and Puntonet offered fiber optic, I opted for Puntonet because they have a 1:1 upload/download ratio, whereas TVcable didn’t. CNT didn’t have this service and I’m not sure about Netlife. The connection is stable and fast as advertised.