Want to make new connections & need tips about getting job opportunity

Hi everyone....I am Anna, a new member. Currently, I live in Jakarta. But planning to move to Stuttgart in the near future due to personal reason.  And I think it would be nice if before Im able to make new connections and friends. I am talk-active  and prefer to be around with people. I have visited Germany for 7 times now. And also been travelled to some other cities in Europe. Enjoy traveling and exploring new things, as well as making connection to new friends.

I am now working as Event Section Head for one of Indonesia biggest Media Group. I have an extensive work experiences, mostly in the area Marketing communications and PR. Would be nice if I can get more informations or tips of getting an opportunity to work in Stuttgart. For me working is not only about having income, but also passion and being independent.

I know it will be quite difficult to have this opportunity as I am a foreigner who just started to learn Deutsch. I understand it will take some times and I also will need to start again from an entry level. And I dont have problem with that.

So please, would be nice to get some input, what is the necessary things to get a job opportunity there, aside of Deutsch speaking. Will I really need to have a German-based education first and maybe else?

Hi and welcome to the forum!
I am located in Stuttgart and, together with my Singaporean wife, am active in the Indonesian community here - we have a Gamelan orchestra and give occasional performances.
As for work, German is of course the key factor (especially in your field). So you might want to attend an intensive (all day, every day) language class for a few months first before looking for a job.

Hi Beppi, thanks a lot for the informations and input, really appreciated. Wow that should be nice to join such cultural activities like gamelan performance. And please, do you have preference on how I can get connected to the Indonesian community in Stuttgart. Thank you.

Most Indonesians here are students, so they come and go. But there's also the Dirjososanto family who have been here for ages (three generations) and are the heart of our cultural group "Kridha Budaya Sari".
It's probably best if you come to one of our Gamelan rehearsals (on Tuesdays from 7:00pm in Feuerbach) to meet the others. Just contact me when you are here, I'll arrange something.
Our next performance is at Lindenmuseum during the "Lange Nacht der Museen" on 2.Apr.2016.

Hi again Beppi, thanks again for your information. I will contact you once I arrive in Stuttgart, because currently I still live in Jakarta. Its a good idea to come at the performance, and who knows maybe later I may join the Gamelan, since I already learn to play this traditional instrument while I was younger.
Thank you again and have a nice day :)

Haha, I am sure then you can play better than us!
(We're the "best" Gamelan in Southern Germany, because we're the only one!)

haha...okay we will see later. Please do stay connected :)