
Peacefullness - how do you find it? Or donŽt you?

Last activity 19 November 2011 by ericwt

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With modern life being so "fast" and with so many ways of staying connected and in touch, with so much information pouring over us daily - how do you unwind and feel relaxed?

Would be interesting to read your answers coming in.... thanks.


Detach from outcomes and you own the world.

If you can understand that you will find freedom and the peace you seek.


for me I just take a step back and appreciate the natural beauty of the place where I live. For example, I just came back from a sunrise run by the sea, breathing in the fresh post-rainstorm air. I've got an apartment in a quiet neighborhood that has tons of skylights and windows looking over treetops and mountains in the distance. Being here with the computer OFF and a good book or having some friends over to share some delicious homemade food is what gives me a feeling of calm & peace

teetatea v

I generally sleep especially at times when I have to deal with some out of town, the beach so to speak is the best for me at times as it helps as well and yes, just taking a walk  anywhere peaceful. wink.png


About time this old thread got some

Thank you for sharing, it was interesting for me to read.

Being in nature, go for walks or for a run surely helps in calming down...

I would add meditation. Detaching and going beyond the noisy feelings, thoughts and desires...
Ericwt´s answer made me reflect; detaching from the outcome. It has helped me - thanks!

There is another thread also now, about the calling in a persons life - this is important!

When you are where you are supposed to be, and do what you are supposed to do - there is a kind of peace in that, even if you are working a lot, a lot.

Some reflections and comments,
take care,

/ Helen.


Hello Helen,

During the week I live a hectic life at work making many decisions so it is important to enjoy every minute of "my time"!
1)Walking is so great because you can find places where there are not many people and just enjoy the beauty around you. I like to look up and see cloud formations and when walking in the country the beauty of hawks in flight.
2)Biking is a great way to relax and and the same time get exercise.
3)The most favorite thing I like to do is to spend all day hiking to the summit of some mountain and then getting to see the beauty of the mountains and landscape all around.

Thanks for such a good question...Robert


Dancing is my form of medication.


I meant meditation, but I suppose medication works as well.


I posted this on a subscription business site several months ago. It is about creating wealth but it also creates peace.

This was my reply about "Detach from outcomes and you own the world."

Quote Originally Posted by ericwt

It was my ticket to freedom.

Emotional attachment to any outcome gives your power away. If you control your attachment to any outcome, you own your world. If you don't the world owns you.

Try to get a job when you are desperate for money and need to pay rent, yesterday. Your desperation will show no matter how.hard you try to hide it. Your emotional yearning expresses through your body language and the way you talk. You are reminding the Personnel Manager of their own fears and insecurities. Their job depends on hiring someone who will do the job well. They don't want to hire a wimp.

Outcomes are things outside of us. We cannot always control what happens outside of us. But if we are emotionally detached what happens outside of us is not relevant.
If my self image depends on finding a girlfriend to give my life meaning, I have lost. I cannot control others so it is silly to put so much emotional weight on someone.

If I am desperate for a deal to close, I lose. The customer will sense the desperation and take advantage of me and I will end up working my ass off for peanuts or giving a product away with no profit margin.
I always spend a half an hour before a deal convincing myself that I am not really interested in what they offer. I set a price in my mind and if the customer will pay that price, I might, consider working with them.
Accept that you are human and will make mistakes.
Next time that you do something embarrassing publicly try this. Laugh your ass off at yourself.

In my life I have done some speaking at various places. I am always hyped and nervous before I speak,I was introduced and took the microphone. For the first five minutes I was in the zone and thought nothing could go wrong. I tripped over one of the wires and fell off the stage. At that time I understood the basic concept of owning our own emotions. When I hit the floor I started laughing and continued for almost a minute as I staggered back on the stage. I took an opportunity to poke fun at myself and I got a rousing approval from the audience. Several clients came from that talk. Every one mentioned me tripping and falling and how they thought it was neat that I totally was not concerned what anyone thought. If people were laughing at me, at least I had people to laugh with.

You cannot control people. Controlling others is domination. Controlling yourself is Dominion, Dominion is where the true power is.
If people like you fine, if not it is their loss and one less person you have to mess with.
Now I know nothing about what is required to be a successful accountant.
However, I do know what it takes to make it in business and overseas.
If I offended someone with my spiritual rant on a business site, well cool! Amazing what typing on a screen can do to some people.

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