
Fun: I did not know that!

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I am starting this new topic to cover something strange, fun, different, not common and that a good number of people may not know.

The next post is a good example.

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Living in Puerto Rico: the expat guidecalm water swimming beachesanyone know which part of the island has good dirtbiking?What beaches have public showers that are still open?Your Best Fishing spot in the island

I was just reading an article that it is legal to make your own rum for your own consumption (also know as Pitorro) if it is created during the months of November, December and January. Provided you have gotten a permit which cost $100.00. I assume that personal consumption has some sort of number of ounces attached to that but I don't know what that number is.

I think this is a unique thing in the island, never heard of it. I have heard of wine and beer in the states but no license and no specific time period.

Any other weird thing you found out that most people don't know?

** The now commercial brand Pitorro used to be illegal, now with taxes and a legal company, you can get it at any store.


I have tried making home brewed beer a couple of times - usually drinkable.  Takes a few months of lead time to brew, bottle and settle.  Then chill and enjoy.

We visited a guy in the mountains yesterday, he gave me a sample of his home made moonshine  - it was powerful;  he had a big still all stainless steel!


There is some kind of weird alcoholic drink called Bili that some people still make on the island. Apparently it involves adding ingredients to rum and burying it in the ground. Yes, burying it in the ground. We bought some on Vieques a few years back. We met a woman at a bar and she sold it to us. It felt like we were buying drugs. Here's a link to how to make it.

How to make Bili


Typically is a pineapple filled with rum and othe ingredients, I remember my father also mention something like that also with some meat inside, which was weird to me


I think meat in a drink is pretty much weird to 99.9 percent of the Earth's population.


The pineapple filled with rum and a small piece of meat was burried the same way. I would try it without the meat.


How about a drink called "chichaito" is mix of anise, rum and honey. They say is medicinal after the 3rd shoot you won't feel amy pain.



Back when i was growing up girls liked anise and it did a good job at making them .... friendly?  :cool:

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