
Gatherings around Salmiya in April


Hi All

New to Kuwait and yet to make friend ,  have not visited any place also.
I wish to know is there any gatherings around Salmiya ?
I stay in Salmiya Block 10 ? 

Would like to hear from you all

Sunny 42

See also

Living in Kuwait: the expat guideHow to make friends in KuwaitLocating someone from KuwaitLatinos en Kuwait? Spanish speakers in kuwaitMeet and fun

welcome to Kuwait ;)


Hello there!!
So much to do in Kuwait you just have to lookl for Kuwait Marina Crescent always announces events and also u have Boating sea deep fishing if ur into that..Palms Hotel strips lots lots to do and meet you can join a gym in salmiya lots to do as the Cornish Gym by Arabian Gulf offers tons of fun activities...Enjoy
Hope my tips are helpful 👍


Hey guys!  this event is open to all .... the 3 Stars will be demonstrating the  art of pastry; CHOC sharing tips on all  kind of desserts...

when & where
radisson blu hotel, kuwait city al asimah governorate kwt

saturday, nov 26 2016 from 4:30--9:30 pm

Please make reservations  is a must..Hope to see you there!


Welcome to Kuwait Sunny!

My name is Jazz, an American living here is Kuwt ...Here are some tips places  to keep u happy & busy>

Marina Crescent  the park is huge.,you could rent a bike, basketball courts, deep sea fishing my brother in law owns and operate a s24 ft boat; great day out for deep sea fishing.. i will be posting Elias face b pictures of his trips!. if u like to work out the holidays inn-  in Salmiya has great classes from beginners salsa-- the list goes on
plz check out my current post for the Radisson Blu in kwt city on nov 26 with your name to reserve for a fabulous cocktail  showcasing stars in the baking industry .. if u love pets you could check out lots of organizations etc,,PAWS.COM a great way to help out and meet great peo!

I wish you all the best Sunny, I will be posting great tips and places to see
Be safe and God bless!


Hello everyone!
Hope everyone had a great summer vacay....If anyone is interested in taking my  cooking class.. Italian and I'm cooking!

let me know it will probably be pasta and the art of cooking real gravy"" Italians call it gravy not tomato sauce""   let's see if we could all hook up in Salmiya or the  posh kitchen in
Dajij..any case. I shall organize and update you guys!!!.. who's hangry?
Sincerely cooking!