
assistant professor position- is 2300 KD good for family of 4


Hi All
Is 2300 KD (all inclusive) is good for assistant professor (Engineering). I have my wife and 2 kids ( 3years and 1year). Im moving from Australia.

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Hello Sam_2016 :cheers:

I invite you to check out threads talking about salary and living expense in our forum section : Cost of living in Kuwait



Thank you kenjee. I cann't find threads about my position. Is this salary good for assistant professor position.


Pretty darned good, there, Sam.

You don't mention if the university is supplying a housing or education stipend.

Check out the schools thread to see what those costs are, but I think of 2300 as quite liveable.


Thank you MisterStretch.
Its 2000 KD+ 300 KD housing.
Also they provide max 4000 KD for kids education, plus insurance, plus annual return tickets.
I think this is good to cover living cost with some saving.
I ask about the salary of assistant professor in kuwait in general. Is it of the same range or higher.


You're getting twice what I do as a corporate English teacher, in conjunction with a university. 

I've heard other "ass't profs" also ask about 2K, so I think you are being offered a standard package.

Sounds like a good package, Sam. Wish I had it.


Thank you mate. Best of luck for you.


Trying to contain housing within 300 is going to be tough. Again, depends on the area you choose to reside.
4000 for education allowance; is that for each child? If yes, you are covered at most schools in Kuwait. If no, then you will need to supplement that yourself after Y3 onwards at most British schools.
If insurance covers the whole family, great.


Yours look pretty good for the position :)
Based what I heard here the salary for an asst. prof ranges between 1900KD to 2400KD (All inclusive). It depends on your experience,....


Thank you for your reply


early stage here, but does an Assistant Professor hold a PhD, or is Masters sufficient (I hold MBA) and am looking at applying for a teaching role (in Marketing) in Kuwait with a college.

I don't have any salary info on whats on offer but am wondering in general what to expect and what is reasonable. A lot of the "cost" info on here appears to be a bit dated, so any living-cost info appreciated. I am single.

Any info gratefully accepted.

Thanks, Peter.


I have applied for Assistant Prof position in two universities in Kuwait at the end of Feb, 2017. I will appreciate if you please share little bit info...

when do they usually process application,,,,how was the nature of interview? ...



Hi there, peter here. It sounds like we applied for the same position (s). Have you heard anything? I have not and I guess that means I missed out. How did you go?

I even emailed the person who posted the job ad a couple of times, and had no reply at all - is that normal?

Cheers, and all the best.



no answer so far. even they didn't confirm me whether they received the application materials or not.


Hi Mario,
thanks for coming back to me - it sounds like we are in the same boat!

Good luck with getting the role.

Thank you,


Hi Mario - i ended up calling the College - Asma wasn't there but spoke to Head of HR who said that the College requirement had changed - they now only want Management/HR teachers (and they didnt short-list me for the Management) this time around but that they MIGHT want Marketing people in the following semester (I think that he mentioned Feb next year). He did say that they retain CV's so we might get a look-in at that time. Cheers and all the best, Peter.


thanks so much. Still there is some hope,,, let's see.
I will be in contact with you if I know something from them.
best wishes,



Sorry if this seems like dropping into an old thread, but I'm in a similar position - had a job offer at Assistant Professor level which sounds okay but has lots of caveats. Kuwait is usually a place we associate with high pay, which is the main reason for relocating.
KD2300 per month all-in = (salary + medical ins + accommodation allow + an annual flight)
Elsewhere, I've come across old information quoting higher salaries.
Does anyone know if the KD is falling, or if the salary offered is too low? I'd very much appreciate up to date information. Thanks



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I haven't lived in Kuwait for a few years now.

2300KWD is a fine salary, ONLY if they also provide free housing.

You say you are a family of 4...two kids, means two kids' education.  Not cheap.

If you have housing and education benefits, it's okay.  Without those, paying for an apartment big enough for your family, feeding them AND paying for schooling is not going to leave much in your bank account, at the end of the month.