Hello to everybody!
As I have seen there are a lot of discussions about renting, real estate agencies, accommodation and property in general on Expat forum Malta, think it would be great to share some of my experiences with you.
I worked as a letting agent here in Malta in the past therefore i can give you a my probably more realistic insight into the industry of letting here
. If you go to real estate agencies websites there are a lot of properties to rent. You pick some reference numbers of properties, and you expect that at least one them is available. But unfortunately most of the times agent tells you, that none of this properties is available, and it will even not be available soon. And you wonder – why are then on your website at all? Or why the price is now higher than stated on the website? Answer should be simple: the information on the website about the availability and the price is from the last contract or update information from the landlord. And agency is completely right! Landlords can change their prices whenever they want, and if something goes wrong with tenant, contract may be broken from both sides, and property is at the sudden available again!
So if you are about to rent something, you have to interprete all information from real estate agencies proper way. The fact is that about 99% properties are not available, when you want it, and if the property is really good value for money, it is probably let again even before it is available again! There are hundreds of letting agents in Malta, and competition is fierce, both for the properties and clients.
Especially difficult is renting for the first time, when you come to Malta, in high season. The prices for short lets (6 months and less) are about three times higher calculated per day as for long lets (6 months and more) for various reasons, which I may explain later in a discussion. Renting directly from the owners may be tricky, too. Landlords try to take an advantage of the situation, if they see that you are new in Malta. I know about many scams here, trying to fool people to pay in advance for rent even before the contract is confirmed and signed.
I could write a book about my experiences in the area, so let be enough for a start. Now I am an independent broker in Malta, dealing with in a lot of areas as corporate and financial services, tax advisory, property, etc.. however do not want to be letting agent never again, lol!
If anyone need any advice in Malta feel free to post it, and I am hardly awaiting responses to my post, lol…. As I say: RELAX, ITS MALTA!