
A Reminder for American Expats on Bali

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Please note…this is NOT a political comment.

If you are an American expat living on Bali, and you are not registered and not on the mailing list of the US Consular Agent’s office in Denpasar, you should take the initiative and register.

One of the most compelling reason to do this is the almost annual “town hall meetings” sponsored by the Consular Agency which are geared towards assisting American expats with matters such as absentee voting, social security, tax issues, and on occasion, personal security issues. 

You can initiate your registration by way of e-mail to

Personally I have had several occasions and need for the services provided by this extension of the US Consulate office in Surabaya, and the US Embassy in Jakarta. 

On one occasion my involvement consisted of procuring a legal last will and testament that would hold up in the US for an American married to a Balinese, with two children and with assets in the US.  This dear friend was dying of pancreatic cancer and his official and US government sanctioned will serves to this very day as the basis of his wife, and children’s financial security.   

Another occasion involved the search and rescue of two Americans lost on Gunung Agung.

I apologize that this message is so specific and applicable only to Americans, but there are a lot of us here, and the message is important.


I think a bump of this one is in order as the topic is very much valid for Americans on the island, and all over Indonesia.

It wouldn't hurt for long term residents from all countries to do the same at their respective embassies.

Indonesia is pretty safe, but accidents can happen.


Fred, the British Embassy stopped the locate service it had, I don't believe there is a way to tell them where you are now. I might be wrong but I used to get emails from the British government  about things but that's all stopped.


lukereg wrote:

Fred, the British Embassy stopped the locate service it had, I don't believe there is a way to tell them where you are now. I might be wrong but I used to get emails from the British government  about things but that's all stopped.

Thanks for that update.
It doesn't really surprise me as they've cut back on pretty much everything.


Thanks for the bump on this post Fred!

Cheers, mate!

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