
ukuleles and friends


Hello from the other side,
One item in my To Do list is to get together with others who play or would like to learn how to play the ukulele.  I love this little four-string wonder because it is easy to learn and it is a catalyst for having fun with other folks.  So, this is now reached the top of my priority list.  You are invited to join me for a fun-filled afternoon of strumming and humming.  Other acoustic instruments are welcome.  We'll sit around and share easy-to-play folk and rock songs. (Well, maybe one or two songs from Hamilton if we are inspired).  If you check the Meetup.Com website you will see the announcement of the first meeting. I think it is already posted, or it may take a couple of days.  You can also PM me through this website.  I am not totally familiar with how to do this, but I will figure it out.  We will meet on a Sunday afternoon, July 10.  Basic ukulele instruction will be given for free.  Real musicians are requested to ignore off-key players.   I have some extra ukuleles to share.
We might even do some golf cart karaoke.

See also

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That sounds like so much fun! Where will the lessons be given?


That sounds like so much fun!!!!


First time will be Sunday, July 10, 2PM at my home in Palmas del Mar, Humacao.


Too far for us (we're in Hatillo)  but I hope you have a great time!


Hello frogrock :cheers:

Kindly note that you can create an event on our site too to better share the word amongst expatriates in your region.



Haha that sounds like fun!    Too bad we are leaving on vacation that day.  My 10 year son recently got a ukelele and has been watching youtube videos to teach himself.  It does have a nice relaxing sound.


Summer is tough with visitors and entertaining the kids, but I would be really interested once school starts up again! If you do it again definitely post and let us know. Never been to Humacao but happy to take a road trip :)


Thank you for the suggestion.  As a member of the Puerto Rico expat forum, I have never checked the event section.  The way I keep informed is by looking at the current topics.  Perhaps you could make EVENTS a topic, so that when events are added, they will pop up in the same way that other topics pop up.  Regards, Frogrock, AKA Carroll


The monthly Folk Jam/Song: Circle/Sing-Along affords musicians and singers of all experience levels an opportunity to play, sing and hone their performance skills. On the third Sunday, August 21, 2-4 p.m. one Sunday a month in Palmas del Mar, Humacao  the Folk Jams are completely acoustic, unplugged events attended primarily by amateur musicians and those who love to sing. The first half hour is dedicated to ukuleles. These free lessons will let you play along with others. Song selections range across the broad folk milieu.  To get us started, the theme for this session is a throwback to Bob Dylan, Peter Paul and Mary, the Seekers, Old Crow Medicine Show.  Participants are asked to bring their voices, acoustic instruments, and a snack/non-alcoholic beverage to share.