Private Mandarin Chinese teacher in HCMC
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Articles to help you in your expat project in Ho Chi Minh City
Setting up a business in Vietnam
Foreign entrepreneurs from across the globe have been landing across Asia for decades. In August, Harvard ranked ...
Internships in Vietnam
Interning can be a wonderful eye-opening way to experience a new country, culture, and work climate in your ...
Working in Vietnam as a digital nomad
Vietnam is emerging as a new popular destination for digital nomads and downshifters. As the prices in most Asian ...
The Vietnamese labor market
Depending on your industry and patience, finding a job in Vietnam can be a challenge. Many companies and local ...
Student life in Ho Chi Minh City
As Ho Chi Minh City continues to gain a reputation as a hub for engineering and telecommunications, more and more ...
Getting around Ho Chi Minh City
Of all the idiosyncrasies that come with living and working in Ho Chi Minh City, the commute has to be one of the ...
Leisure activities in Ho Chi Minh City
One of the most interesting aspects of living in Ho Chi Minh City is the fact that theres never a shortage of ...
Accommodation in Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, is an ideal Vietnamese destination for travellers and expats. If you ...