
Visit visa for mother father


I am on visit visa in ksa ,my husband is an engineer by proffession, recently we tried to apply for visit visa for my mother and father but the reply on mofasite said to give proof of my stay here in ksa.. On approaching the mofa my husband was told that only if wife is on iqama the visa will for her parents will be issued, is still there any hope to get the visa?

I am not on iqama.
Any guidelines will b very helpful

See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaDependent Iqama Renewal over age of 18Bringing Stepchild / Step-Child to Saudi ArabiaExpired Iqama but existing contract

Visit visa facility is for Iqama holders only. People on visit visas can't invite others on visit visas.


But cant the visa be issued by my husband as he is an iqama holder ?


If he is, he can.
Usually the probability of getting the visa of mother-in-law is lower than that of mother.


Yes, recently many of our known contacts did get visa fr their inlaws but all of them had wives in iqama. We were hence in doubt. But thanks a lot for the prompt reply.


He cannot issue visit visa for his mother when he does not have his dependents here. Meaning basically the system will allow for visit visa for parents only if you have family here already on iqama.



Your husband can invite your father and mother, it is applicable however,,

i advice you start the process after November dear because the upcoming couple of month is pilgrim they stop all the invitations and visit visas and sometimes even transferring ID's.

they re open the process November, you have to start applying mid or end of November.

if you didn't get lucky start in January.

cordially yours.


Ok, my main concern is that-

If I am here on visit visa will my husband be able to apply for my parents visit visa?

And secondly after application will it be issued?

We have tried once and we were told that my iqama is required to shownthat i am staying in saudi.

I am already here and i have a valid visa to show as my proof of residency in saudi..

My husband will be the sponsor here and he is having a valid iqama.


50-50....It's KSA...Anything can happen...Once rejected doesn't mean that it'll be rejected again...Keep trying...One of them will be accepted...