
Keeping up with the news in Dominican Republic


Hello everyone,

Living in Dominican Republic provides countless occasions to browse local newspapers, listen to local radio stations or watch local TV shows. As everywhere else in the world, local media play a key role in informing the public.

What are the major media in Dominican Republic? Which one do you use on a regular basis?

How do you keep up with international issues (newspapers, radio, TV, Internet)?

Thank you in advance!


See also

Phones, internet, mail, and television in the Dominican RepublicUseful contact information in the Dominican RepublicCell PhoneSending and receiving packages in Dominican RepublicCell phone providers
Bob K

For local news I use online newspapers, blogs, and  forums.
For international or news from back "home"...I try to ignore this as much as possible otherwise again online news and forums.

Bob K

frost bite

hello, i watch tv or i go online for all of my info, pretty much all of the english tv i get is american, normally its fine but during the olyimpics a canadian perspective would have been nice, frosty


Okay,  first -  I make sure I have ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC and CNN on my cable package.  That keeps me up to date on  offshore events.

Locally  channel  37 news. They are the only professional station in my opinion.

Online news in English -

Online news spanish -  and  and

That gets you covered. There are various local city stations and papers. Google search in your area.  There are several for the north coast for example.

Tomas Cabrera
& local gossip, of course!


Being on the border frequently, there is zero sources that cover let alone merely mention Elías Piña. Word of mouth is how we get news. It travels faster than fiber optic cable. Especially here. I use the Internet. News agenencies in the states and abroad are useless and only tell part of the story. Being in Government, I have access to info not available to the public, that is law enforcement sensitive. I stick to these for my threat assessments, actual issues that would affect me and the state department for travel advisories. Turn off the black box. It's worthless. I do check Dominican sites such as dominicantoday though for capital info. Hope this helps and doesn't come across too jaded against media. Lol


I find my news on the internet, here and back in the USA, both.  I have never been a TV addict, never. Many times over the years people have asked me "What did you think of the game last night?" Or "Did you see Judge Judy last night?"  It always stunned me that people thought Judge Judy was for real!  I was in court with a friend and she stood up and started shouting at the judge and got marched out of the court room, But that is just one example of why I don;t do TV.


Oh yes word of mouth!!!  News travels incredibly fast,  unfortunately it often gets changes,  blown out of proportion or flat out corrupted.... LOL

Tomas Cabrera

Gossip is treated as such, however there is a grain of truth in ALL gossip.
The secret is sifting properly.


El Listin is rather like the NY Times as the newspaper of record. It tends to be pretty conservative.  El Diario Libre  is more liberal and sensationalist.
Dominicans are not great newspaper readers. There are only a couple of places in Barahona I know of  where you can buy the newspaper: the bus station at La Plazoleta and downtown near the Parque Central. 
Ecos del Sur is a fairly good website, Barahona3 is a blog with some good stories.

I imagine that there is a website for Elias Pina.


Well...let me think...oh  ok...Bob tells Planner who tells Tomas who tells Gypsy..who then calls me and translates the details as needed. Miss you guys.


HAHAHA exactly!!!

Bob K

So that is how it works :D:D

Glad to see you around

Bob K