
Looking for Danish, Dutch and Swedish people (work from home)


Hi everyone!

My name is Patrick and i have just joined since I am planning to move into Cambodia. Im working in a company that operates in different European countries and want to build up a network with European people, maybe i can offer them a job in the near future ;)

At the very moment we are seeking for native Danish, Dutch and Swedish speaking persons to work from home. Your current location does not matter, you only need a computer with a headset and a proper internet connection.

I am writing in Cambodia forum because we are planning to open a contact center in Cambodia within this year so this is kind of the only place to start.

If you are interested yourself, check out our job post: … oller.html

If you know a native Danish, Dutch and/or a Swedish speaker, we would be grateful if you'd let a friend know about this possibility. Thank you in advance!

Send me a message and I will go into details about the job!

Best Regards,

Patrick Wills

See also

Work in CambodiaInternship or Volunteering in CambodiaSetting up a business in CambodiaWorking in Phnom PenhThe work culture in Phnom Penh

Good morning.
I m Belgian but Flemish so Dutch speaking. I live since 4 years in ppen and work from here for account a Belgian company. Still have some free time overday but not for a full time job.
You can reply to xxx
Kind regards

Moderated by Bhavna 8 years ago
Reason : Please do not post your contact details on the forum. You may exchange them via the private messaging system.Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Thank you for your message gharrik, replied to your email.


Why no Finnish people? :O


Maybe one day ;)


Hello everyone,

Please refer to the jobs section by contacting Patrick Wills if you are interested in the job offer :

- Marketing leads controller

The forum should be kept for expatriation related issues.

All the best,

[Topic Closed - Jobs section please]
