Messaging Problem

Hey guys, is just me who is having problem with the messaging? Whenever a get a new message notification and click on the messages (the envelope icon), all it shows are just old messages and i had to mark my archives as unread to reveal the latest unread message. It's a such a pain. Any advise? (btw, I am a noob and not sure if I posted on the correct forum, apologies).

No, there's a possible glitch.
I get that and the same problem with old notifications showing as new.

Edit - The team are aware and will track it down.

Hi Miggy and Hi fred,

Thanks for your messages.

I will pass on the message to the IT team so that they can verify if everything is actually working perfectly.


Priscilla  :cheers:

Priscilla wrote:

Hi Miggy and Hi fred,

Thanks for your messages.

I will pass on the message to the IT team so that they can verify if everything is actually working perfectly.


Priscilla  :cheers:

Hey Pricilla,

Thank you for your immediate attention, I am quite impressed.
And I'll wait until this issue is fixed, no problem.

Best regards to you and your team,


We are currently looking into this problem. I have sent PMs to both Fred and Miggy to try and resolve the issue.


The tech dudes are getting headaches on this one.

Good luck.

Hi Pricilla,

Looks like this issue has been resolved. I can now read messages without any issue.
Thank you very much and have a great day :)

Warmest regards to your team,


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