
Car Boot Sale


ok, yesterday i was up late @ night on facebook and saw an ad that took me about 30 odd minutes to relocate (dont u just hate it when you read an interesting ad AFTER you navigated away from the page?! ARGH!)

So, this car boot sale, well, funny story; when i was in school and first heard the term, i was under the impression that people would be selling "car boots", what the heck i thought those were a the time, i cant recall, but that is what i thought.

so, for similar, like-minded folks, i divulge a bit of info. a car boot sale is a sale, where people show up with "junk in their trunk" (not that kind of junk! :P) to sell to others, and to browse around (a flea market out of the trunk of your car).

what you do is get whatever items you have lying around the house, that are not in mint condition but also not severely deteriorated, that u want to shelf off, put em the trunk of your car, and head over to a place where u sell 'em (at a reasonable price ofcourse!).

Now, i have had this idea in my head for quite some time now, seeing as how every weekend when i go for my weekly 12K jog, i pass by a place that would be PERFECT for such a gathering, large parking lot, always empty.

I personally believe that, the best things in life are free. therefore i am against the idea of someone paying 35kd for a spot (2chairs and a table included) and having the possibility of not selling anything, or worse, not breaking or barely breaking even.

what i am suggesting is a gathering of sellers and buyers, it would be in Hawalli, opposite the sultan center and qadsia stadium, easy to reach, if we can get atleast 10 cars interested, that would be a start.

and i just thought of this, u dont have to have a car to sell, we wont be peddling stuff on the sidewalk, but cars have hoods right? so just bring a sheet, spread it over someones hood, and place ur hopefully not-so-heavy-or-sharp items on there.

once we have attendees, we can decide on a time, preferably early morning on a weekend.

what do ya'll think?

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Thats a nice idea man.i like it.


thanx :) now if only we can get more people interested


Really good move bro, Im in (on the buyer side though :p, nothing to sell unforch)