New Years Resolutions - Realistic Ones....

Happy New Year everyone.

Thought this might be a good time to ask everyone what their New Year resolutions are (sorry if it's already been asked).  Hopefully we can all encourage each other on that road to achieving it/them.. :)

My resolutions are :-

Lose another 2kg of lard and start body building to get it all back as muscle.

Start going to bed by midnight so I don't suffer at work the next day (been doing 2am just too many times).. ;)

That's all I can realistically put my mind to for now...

What's say you all ??

S&T :)

Well I have resolved to try and cover a few more restaurants, eat healthier, and spend less time with my Xbox and more with friends! :D

ahh good ol' new years resolution ;)
i must say though that however cliqued people make the concept out to be i alwaysss make some :) i have a feeling 2011 will be such a good year for me to get myself in a better mindframe and learn to seperate the good from the bad in friends, peers and experiences :)

so, my new years resolution is:
-learn russian or italian :D (yes, that was an indirect ad for a tutor haha)
-become vegetarian (already well on the way)
-go to sleep earlier
and reaquaint myself with the gym especially after the christmas festivities :)


New year has been a significant even, at least when I was a student. Now after working for several years, to be honest, I never noticed when the year changes, its like week ends here you never noticed, how one week end comes after another.
I feel like am part of a loop, with some bit of fun , now and then, what is the motive, the reasons.... well not sure :-)
So I did not make any plans or resolutions, as in my daily life, am already doing lots of planning and etc etc , business as usual :-)
So if you guys make em, I wish all the best and hope they don't go in 2011 and comes out the same out from the next year ;-)

Sleep early!
Wake up early!
Eat healthy foods!
Exercise regularly!

these are just simple things.
hoping to fullfill it. :):):)

Exercise More
Sleep Early
Save 15% of the Income
Write 15 posts per month on my blog
Be more kind and generous

*Well i recently started an IT company and currently working on a product. For 2011 I want to finish this product development and enter the market by putting more hard work.
* Also paying more attention to my health.
* Going to gym regularly.