All things Swedish! Want to get in touch with Swedes home & abroad.

My name is Hugh, I'm 38 and I'm actually English, but I've been living in Sweden (Ludvika, Dalarna) for the last 2 years until very recently when, due to personal cirumstances, I've had to move back to the UK, sadly.

I'm basically looking to meet or just get in touch with native Swedish people both in the UK and in Sweden for friendship and a chance to practice my bad Swedish!! My long term aim is to move back to Sweden later this year to live and settle down. I really miss it now that I'm not there (even the weather!) but I need to get good at spoken Swedish somehow before I go back.

Would love to hear from you if you have the time? No worries if not. Perhaps you'd like to practice your English although knowing you Swedes, your English is probably even better than mine!

Take care and Gott Nytt År!!

Hej då.


Were abouts in england i know a couple of sweedish ppl and some who r movinbg out there

Hey hannah, thanks so much for replying to my message!

I'm actually going to be living in Bristol / Bath and also London from time to time. Are your friends anywhere near there?

Where are you from by the way. Are you English?

Thanks again. Really appreciate your effort.


I am english yeah sadly the ppl i know r in the north east and one moves about a bit

Ahhh, that's a shame. Never mind. Thanks for trying though! :)

How are you anyway? How's life and what do you do with yours?

How come you're on that expat site?

Sorry, so many questions...!

Take care.


I live in north east england and a student eventually wanna be a play therapist and I am looking at moving to Belgium for a couple of years to be with boy friend.

A play therapist?

Tell me more? I was looking myself into Music Therapy for a while but it was really expensive to fund the training etc.

Belgium would be fun. I've been loads of times and have some great memories from Brussels and Bruges.


Yeah im having the same problem i have to pay the training and then pay 2 years thearpy myself so i want to get more experince for childeren while i save im writing my disterteration on play thearpy

Well good luck with it all. You'll get there in the end I'm sure. Just a shame it costs so much to do these things isn't it?! 16k just to train in music therapy and that's without living costs and so on.

Is your boyfriend Belgian then or just working out there?

Take care and cheers for now. Hugh Carson.

he is from there and studying in games programming