
Leaving Malaysia


I am leaving Malaysia soon but I don't plan to return to my home country (UK). I've actually got a job in  third country and to make matters more complicated, my family and I plan to have a little holiday in Brunei and come back to Malaysia as tourists before jetting off to my new job. I've been told the Malaysian immigration service needs me to produce a copy of my final return ticket and it has to be to the UK or my new place of employment in order for them to cancel my employment visa. Have I lost everyone yet?

Could I book a ticket to the UK, give a copy to immigration but cancel it and go to Brunei anyway once the EP is cancelled? I appreciate this won't be relevant to most people on the forum as most members will be arriving or settled here but if anyone knows anything or anyone who knows about Malaysian immigration matters, I would really appreciate some knowledgeable advice as I am tearing my hair out trying to sort all this out.

See also

Traveling to MalaysiaEP rejectionGameplan of getting Malaysian PRDoctor's letter for temporary absencePrevious company submitted online EP cancellation

Hmmm.....I understand what you are saying. It seems strange that in order to cancel your employment visa that you need to buy a ticket to either the UK or your new country of work. Why can't they just cancel it? Brits can stay in Malaysia for 3 months on a tourist visa anyways. Should they just require you to show proof of a ticket leaving Malaysia?

Perhaps you could book a ticket to say Singapore or Bangkok and then change it to Brunei? I mean if you are doing it on Airasia then it would be easier to change it if you get their travel insurance.

Perhaps others with experience of canceling employment visas can provide more accurate advice.


Yes, I agree - it is quite strange. I've never experienced this in any other country I've worked in. As long as I exit Malaysia I can't see what business it is of immigration services where I go and what I do next.