Looking for jobs - please help

Hi there!

I'm a young Australian who has recently moved to Camerino (Marche) with my girlfriend who will be studying at the university here. Have lived in Italy for a year and a half now working as a gardener, though unfortunately have not learnt the language as I working for a fellow expat who runs a beautiful property up in the hills of Tuscany... Still no excuses though!!

Was curious to know if anyone can help me locate some work for properties around the Marche region??

Hi Christopherjserena,

Welcome to https://www.expat.com! :)

You might also want to put an advert by creating your CV in the jobs in Marches section. It might help.

Best of luck,

Thanks for the advise!! Have just completed the process.

All the best

I don't know about gardening but there's a very large market for English Teachers in Italy if that's up your alley.

Thanks Gio for the reply,
Teaching English does sound interesting, and have thought about it before.

Might see what happens and keep it as a back up plan.

Many thanks