
Looking for an expat to write my essay about


Hi everyone!  :D

I am Melissa, i'm a student in Antwerp (Belgium).
In school i'm discussing a lot about intercultural communication and stuff. Around this topic we need to write an essay. My first thoughts when I think about intercultural communication are CULTURESHOCK CULTURESHOCK!!!!

So why not write my essay about an expat who really have had a cultureshock by moving to another country?

Through this topic i'm looking for someone who can help me! I want to find someone who I can interview and talk about their experiences during their expat period.
(***Someone who worked at least 6 months in another country than Belgium!!!)
It can also be the other way around! Someone who lived in another country than Belgium and now lives and works here.

Excuse my English I hope someone can understand me and writes me back.

When you think you are the person I need you can always mail me.

Thanks alot!!!

See also

Living in Belgium: the expat guideNew Single permitWork permit for dependentslegal aid office "BAJ=bureau d'aide juridique"Limited single permit with illimited job market

Why not me ? I am currently in India late but I will be back in Belgium.


Hi Melissa!
My name is Arta,and its three years that I'm leaving in Belgium.Maybe I can be the person who can help you,I have a lot to tell.
May I ask you where are you from?
