
The world's best ice cream found in Cairo!!!

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Patrick Justin

Hey guys, hope u r well.. Here is my story :)

I use to go to Pasqua Cafe at Lebanon street 2 or 3 times a week, i was there yesterday when i saw a huge banner for an American Ice Cream brand called Palazzolo, i asked for the smallest container they had, it was 170 gm for 19.90 EGP, guess what? I went home with 5 Ice Cream pints!!!!

I was a fan of Haagen Dazs in the past, i used to get it through a company in Cairo that used to do home delivery, but a pint was for 89 EGP which is pretty expensive..

Just to cut a long story short, that Palazzolo that i tried was literally the best ice cream i had in my whole life, it's Natural, Rich, Tasty, contains real nuts inside like pistachios and American pecans, has 10 or 12 flavors (i don't remeber what the guy told me), it's produced and packed in the states which gave me confidence to buy the pints :)

It's extremelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy recommended...

Has anybody here tried it?? I got the Roasted Pistachio, Brown Sugar Pecan, Mascarpone Caramel Pistachio, Swiss Chocolate and Nocciola which is like a Hazelnut paste ice cream.

If any body here has tried it or has tried any different flavors just let me know..

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Welcome on board Patrick Justin ;)


Hahaha , i will definitely try it !

Patrick Justin

You will definitely say "wow" :)

Just let me know after trying it..

I've just tried the Mascarpone flavor, it's unbelievable, why don't we have such a brand instead of the cheap Egyptian ones in supermarkets??!!!


patrick please make me happy and tell me that they have sugar free ice cream...:D


Yummmm... Thats great news for me I will have to try it also!!! I hate the Egyptian Ice creams....Which is really sad cause Ice cream is on the list of all time favorite things to eat ;) thanks for the tip!!

Patrick Justin

Egyptian, i'm sorry to tell u that i haven't noticed it on the menu, i'm not 100% sure about it though, i'm going there this friday or saturday hopefully, i will make sure to ask.

Eypican, i'm sure that u will enjoy it so much...

By the way, i forgot to mention that they sell it in scoops as well so that u can try the flavors before buying a container, but i can say that all the 5 flavors i've tried so far r amazingggggggggggggg :)

Let me know guys when u try..


Sounds good, I'll try it some time. Is there such a thing as sugar-free ice cream?! It's certainly not a diet food unfortunately :P
thanks for the suggestion :)


Thans patrick for the eoffort :)
Yeah eltviola there is, and it is a diet food aslo,just like the diet cola,Baskin robbins used to have it but than they stopped importing it from the states  :(

Patrick Justin

There is Sugar-free ice cream of course, i tried sugar-free vanilla before in Canada, it wasn't that good :(


ok that's good to know, especially for diabetics I guess :)

Sadly, to make good ice cream you need a lot of fat, as this provides the creamy texture and the richness of the taste, hence the enjoyment, and makes a better emulsion for freezing without too many nasty ice crystals... sorry, I'm an engineer, I can't help being geeky! :rolleyes:
So nice-tasting ice cream can only be a diet food to an extent... not that I want to spoil your enjoyment of it :P

mmm... now I want ice-cream! :D


I liked that part a lot LOL  :D

eltviola wrote:

the creamy texture and the richness of the taste, hence the enjoyment, and makes a better emulsion for freezing without too many nasty ice crystals

Ayman Gado

Hey guys, i saw that Palazzolo in Kimo Market today, i will try it tomorrow hopefully...

Ayman Gado

Patrick, it's irresistible ;)

Patrick Justin

I told u guys :)

Ayman Gado

Thanks a lot Patrick..

Do u know where i can get pints from? Kimo has only cups now and a few pints that do not have my favourite flavours :(



Thanks for the information. I am a voracious eater of ice cream, have tried the varieties available in City Stars ( a place I visit often) but have not seen the brand you metioned.
Sure will go to this place you mentioned and will try this brand.

Thanks once again..



Hi everybody,

Palazzolo is amazing, a friend recommended it to me....I didn't try all the flavours yet, because I fell in love with Dolce le Leche...Can not stop eating it:))Must try!



Check out Mandarine Koueider: It has delicious ice cream! more locations in Cairo, but I only have been to the one on Zamalek.


that sounds good .... since am an ice cream fan ....i guess that i must give it a try :).

i always wanted a career of an ice-cream taster :D


I adore deserts, i will definitely try it, but am on diet, but i will try it when i will break the diet this week isa, thx patrick;)

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