
Finding work in accountancy

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My partner has the opportunity to work in Malta for a year or two and I am keen to come with her. My concern is in finding suitable employment. Does anyone have a view on the employment prospects for a chartered accountant, aged just north of forty,  with a background in software and technology companies.


See also

Job offers in MaltaFinding work in GozoFinding work in MaltaFinding work in Saint Julian'sSetting up a business in Malta

Welcome on board Pjr111,

I hope that members from Malta will try to give you some advices & feedback soon!

Wish you success!



Please note this is an amateur response from a non-player in the Maltese job market.  So treat it with a pinch of salt.

My impression is that Malta has quite a few companies in the software and technology field, and is trying to attract more.  There are also companies which make extensive use of IT in their businesses while not selling IT as such - I'm thinking, for example, of e-gaming businesses.

There is a new property development on the island, financed from Dubai, called "Smart City", which aims to attract technology companies as tenants.  It is in its early days, and I don't think it is yet a proven success.  But you might be interested to read about it at  (Google "Smart City Malta" for more links if you're interested.  If it works, I guess it should generate quite a few opportunities, both in technology companies and in professional firms advising them.

You might also be interested to read about Malta Enterprise, the government body responsible for attracting foreign direct investment to the island -  (I appreciate that you're not looking to start a company.  I'm just thinking that new start-ups in Malta might need people like you.)

Overall - and with the caveats stated - I would feel quite positive about the prospects for the skills you have to offer!


Hi , you will have no problem, with that type of work. always accountants jobs being advertised in both the paper and thru agencies

good luck



Yes come to Malta its lovely :)

From what I've seen there are a lot of accountancy jobs going, although as John says, you may have to consider egaming. Technology and egaming are rife here though!

I'm at work at the moment so I can't go looking at job sites, but I will post some up as soon as I get home. I know I've spotted a few jobs mentioning accountants. If I dont post you any links this evening, drop me a PM to remind me :)


These may be way off the mark but thought I'd let you know; … d=19216723 … d=19602198 … d=19659062

Another place to look is this link below. Lists some good job agencies and adverts;


I interview with them monday at 2... I'll let you know what I think of them. ( reedglobal that is)


iamharibo    sent you a PM on the subject...  You will see why when you read it.


I'm also very interested in accounting jobs in Malta. I've got 2 years of experience in Fund Accounting.

I found this website today and just need some time to analyze the list:

Is there anybody who works in Finance/Accounting? Please, get in touch.



just contact the big 4. they always need people.

I used to work in the big 4 and..well..never again!!!!


lol really? that bad? where did you work tho, in audit?


To be honest...I CAN do it. I can do it well. Does it mean I have to? :)

Working for 10-16 hours each day is not what I'd love to do in my life. If I wanted it, I'd establish my own business and think about it all day and night.

I was one of 8 interns employed in my city. After 2 years only 2 of us stayed. Most of us left without any job offers - we preferred to be unemployed instead.

I was lucky to find a nice job after a month.

I could work for the big 4 on human friendly conditions.


wow that does sound inhumane. and honestly it does really put me off too. i also know quite a lot of people that work like crazy. in fact i know some people who actually *enjoy* working 12 hours a day..without a break..i mean they have no life that's for sure. i have also been told there is a person who works in one of the big 4 till 4 am sometimes!!! i mean come on! that's just beyond ridiculous. anyway it all depends where you go. just avoid audit at all costs hehe all the other departments are fine in my opinion.

It's the same anywhere then :)

Well, we're all adult people and we're responsible for our decisions, aren't we? The audit guys are intelligent enough to foresee the consequences or compare gains and losses :) If they decide to work like this, let's respect it. Everybody's got different priorities.

I'm not a Persian princess (no offence if there's any on the forum :), I can work hard. However, I don't want to do anything that's harmful for me in a long run. There's always time to burn out, I don't have to do it at the age of 25.

I'll keep on searching without time pressure, as I have a pretty good job here too.

You sound like a person who survived a lot in the corporate world, hey! How did you end up in Malta? Write me a private message, please.


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