
Need visa for my Algerian boyfriend.

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Can someone help me My boyfriend is coming to visit next year spring. He wants to look around and see about moving here. The problem I'm running into is trying to get him a visa to live here.  He from Algeria,  and I can't sponsor him now my income is not high enough. I'm hoping to get a new job where I can sponsor him. Anyone know how to get a visa. ........we may get married hoping that would help with visa.

See also

Obtaining Permanent Residency in the U.S.Types of visas offered by the USEntrepreneur visa in the USWork visas in the USAComing to America

Well, you got plenty advice about this situation on another thread. Seems you were certain he was not going to want to go to the States. Getting married so that he can get a visa to take a look? Sounds crazy. He doesn't need a sponsor to come as a tourist to take a look. Take it a step at a time if you continue down this road. One doesn't have to immigrate as the next step. Let him visit and ask around about the possibilities of further work opportunities. Then you'll both be able to better judge the situation. A relationship with someone dependent on your financial situation is questionable anyway. So what kind of "help" are you asking for? It is inappropriate to solicit sponsors here. If you are looking for advice – then listen to it when you get it! Plenty of people warned you that the situation with him being much younger and his circumstances sound like a scam.


Even with getting married and requesting an IR1 or CR1 visa, you must show adequate proof of support. So no, marriage will not help with getting a visa in this context.

Romaniac Experts Team


You need to be very careful and do not take haste decisions!!!


The U.S. Immigration doesn't have a "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" category on their list. They do have a "Fiancee" category which is so stringent you have to pass through the "eye of a needle", so to speak.

There is no impediment to your Algerian boyfriend coming to the U.S. if he qualifies to have a visa. He needs to apply and have a valid reason. One valid reason is "I like to visit and look around how beautiful your country is."

The U.S. checks on the intent and the background of such persons. Once he applies, they check on his/her background for criminal records and any records pertaining to law-breaking in his/her country. (not the records of parking tickets!).

Also they check on the economic capability of such person to afford travel.  Do he/she have a gainful employment. How long he/she at work or have a business.

The U.S. is now very strict on people coming into this country and become "burdens of the state" or become mendicants.  They also want to know where he/she is going to stay and if he is staying with a relative they also want to know that such relative can afford to carry him/her own and not become, as I said "a social burden."

With the 9-11 event: everything has changed. Good luck to your efforts and good luck to your boyfriend and you.


Algeria ?        stay out of trouble. You will regret later.



You have replied to a topic that was posted over a year ago.  Perhaps you could openly explain here in more detail how you can assist.  Please keep in mind that advertising of personal services and posting contact information on the forum is not permitted.  You should review the USA Forum Code of Conduct.

Thank you
Romaniac Experts Team


I don't need we broke up....I'm engaged to different country now. Now more complicated and more difficult. I am hiring immigration lawyer for this one.


Sherryjmj621 wrote:

I don't need we broke up....I'm engaged to different country now. Now more complicated and more difficult. I am hiring immigration lawyer for this one.

Good Lord.  Some people simply would not learn.

Just curious, how do you get engaged to a country?


I'm not engaged to the country he is from different country. I never learn, what because I like guys from other countries and not US. Its my business because I have more in common with muslium guys considering I'm muslium too.


Sherryjmj621 wrote:

I'm not engaged to the country he is from different country. I never learn, what because I like guys from other countries and not US. Its my business because I have more in common with muslium guys considering I'm muslium too.

There's a good number of Muslim men already legally living in the United States.  If you admit that you never will learn, then it's probably useless to ask the advice of wiser and more experienced people here.


I don't recall asking for advice, just someone putting in their two sense. My life, my decision, just keep opinions to yourself not needed. That's why I'm leaving this forum to many judgemental people. When you know me and know what I've been through then judge me until then keep quite.


Hello everyone,

Please note that this is an old thread.

@ Sherryjmj621, should we close the topic now, please ? It seems the information are no longer valid/up to date ?

All the best,


Yes because I'm leaving forum to many bullies here.


Sherryjmj621 wrote:

Can someone help me My boyfriend is coming to visit next year spring. He wants to look around and see about moving here. The problem I'm running into is trying to get him a visa to live here.  He from Algeria,  and I can't sponsor him now my income is not high enough. I'm hoping to get a new job where I can sponsor him. Anyone know how to get a visa. ........we may get married hoping that would help with visa.

Looks an awful lot like you were asking for advice and help.  This forum is about sharing opinions and advice!  If you don't want to listen, or don't like the answers you've been given so be it, but you shouldn't have asked then.  Your hypersensitivity is your issue and probably a result of your own insecurity.  Putting the blame on to others under the guise of "bullying" is not the answer.  No one here bullied you, if you look up the definition of the word.

Good luck with your mail-order husband venture, your immigration lawyer will probably be laughing all the way to the bank.


please do not rush to make a decision and be careful,


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