Why choose an Ex-pat lifestyle
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Hello to all
I am interested in why others have choose to live an ex-pat lifestyle.
How did an ex-pat lifestyle begin for you? Why do you continue to live an ex-pat
Did some of you ex-pats return to your home country to find that the ex-pat lifestyle was more comfortable for you and why?
Are there some general thoughts, rules or concepts that ex-pats have come to learn and understand about being an ex-pat in another society with different cultures and customs.
How do you express those thoughts and feelings about your new home country and the people around you?
Thank you all and have a good day.
I will get the ball rolling by saying how certain Ex-pats will have a successful stress free lifestyle over other ex-pats who seem to have a hard time assimilating into another country.
There is one thing I have noticed about ex-pats who have spent at least some 7 or 8 years in another country
and that is they think of themselves as global citizens.
There are exceptions to this rule and it is those ex pats who criticize and complain and compare their home country to Madagascar They are negative about the local people, the girls/women, workers, services, government, infrastructure, housing, post office service, medical, prices and services ..etc on and on and on . They are grumpy on almost all issues and are or have become angry ex-pats and these people are toxic and need to be kept at a distance.
I ask these ex-pats that if you are so upset most of the time and don't like Madagascar, then why do you stay here when you are so unhappy, you could always leave and go home........Well they say they can't afford to.
You can spot these negative expats much of the time as they hang out together in groups and bars as in the expression- misery loves company. And you don't want to get sucked into these conversations because it becomes debilitating.
The interesting thing is that the Malagasy girlfriends of expats also hang out in their private groups and away from their Vasaha mates for they too think they are better than local Malagasy and these women are called "wife of Vasaha" for they have become very proud of their new status in life.
However these toxic expats feel that 25 million Malagasy should bend to the will of a few ex-pats rather than learn the Malagasy lifestyle
The point is this- to be a successful ex pat in Madagascar thinks of themselves as a global citizen, is willing to be flexible, learn the language, try to understand the culture and customs, enjoy the local foods and lifestyle and by doing this they will obtain a new sense of reality and find a peaceful lifestyle, while still maintaining their own identity.These types of ex pats are very comfortable in their own skin and at calm with who they are and very easy to talk with. Well adjusted ex pats learn and understand the differences of customs and cultures and do not judge one culture is better than another.
Hi Alex,
I just came across this thread, and I'll try to keep it brief. When in high school, I used to hang around the exchange students (who were A LOT of fun) and, in fact, we hosted a Japanese guy with whom I am still in contact. Then, I was an exchange student to Colombia, and after finishing my bachelor's degree, joined the Peace Corps. Except for a few years to get my Master's degree in Arizona (during which time I had contracts in Mexico, Honduras and Haiti), I just kept going. As they say, the US is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.
I completely agree about learning the local languages, though I admit I've forgotten a lot of my Guarani, Arabic, Farsi and Creole, for lack of use. I'm currently looking to get back to Latin America and I fear losing my Betsimsaraka. (I make the distinction because every time I go to Tana, I have to modify my vocabulary to be understood.) We'll see how it goes, but, in the meantime, I understand and agree with what you have said.
Thanks Lilbuster for sharing your story. I have a deep respect for your stories that you have shared. You have a fascinating life and journey and a book in the making for all of us to learn from. Your life may seem boring to you but it is amazing to many of us who have taken a different path in life.
I was in the position years ago that I was the organizer to have 40 Japanese to stay with host families back in my days of Living in Santa Barbara , 35 years ago. My job was to find families to host the students and I was to teach English to the students every other day. This lasted for two months over the summer. It was one of the best times of my life. Excellent for you to keep in touch with your friend. My contacts faded out over a few years- I regret not keeping in touch as you have.
Thank you