I'm a new member :)

I'm an Algerian girl studying english since 4 years, it became my favorite language, it's like i fall in love with this lobely language with its lovely people.

i read the american history and i'm really found of it.
Americans are really a good example, they managed to build a pwerful country in 2 decades only through beleiving in hard working and success

Welcome to Expat.com Amel-zer !

thank you very much! but i'd like to know why am i not allowed to send messages. thank yoy very much indeed for this wonderful website :)

American English Teacher in Cairo, Egypt.

i don*t why am not allowed to send messages to friends herein this site. its a great site but u guy need to allow md send messages

i have the same problem :(

please read the anti spam rules

i was having the same problem but when i have done the anti spam ask me to do
i'm able to  send message now
thanks to you FOUNDER it's a wonderful website

man i have friends on here i lost connect with them coz u stopped the messages,open the messages and we will report the spams

thank you too much founder :)

Hi...im new here...i like the site a lot... useful info 4 expats..thx

welcome anrym :)

welcome amer zer...

I'm a new member ,no possible  to send messages to friends herein this site. Kindly allow me to send messages.

Please read the anti spam system rules:


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