VinHomes Central Park
Is there any update on this project. Will move to HCMC at the beginning of the year. I understand that there will be an international school?
Some buildings will be handed over this month as Central 1,2,3, Park 1, Landmark 1. The rest will be handed over next year. Park, Vinmec hospital and Vinschool have been put into operation next year.
- The one and two-bedroom apartments already sold out. You must purchase the home. With the three-bedroom apartment, you can buy directly from investors.
- Landmark Riverside is the most beautiful building of the project, it will be opened in mid-december. You can reserve a priority right now. However, it will be handed over at the end of 2018
Thank you for your time and update
Maybe...maybe not...they said the same thing to me 6 years ago in Singapore........many lost big money..I was not one of them. Could be different when we move to HCMC...time will tell.
Correct they are now maxed out...not six years ago...time will tell in Vietnam
Take Care
I do find the price of real estate over priced when you take into account the average yearly wage. If you pic right you can do well, my friend bought and renovated two houses in just over two years and pocketed 2 billion profit.
Thanks for the info...much homework to do
Kooler42 wrote:Thanks for the info...much homework to do
Gday Kooler,
That's probably the best angle to take. I've been reading about the property markets in neighbouring countries and they are all Malaysia is down 35% in turnover.
Only this week in the local "news" the previous 3 months sales figures for apartments are down. And that word "bubble" keeps getting mentioned. Most of the buyers are speculators & flippers. Once the gamblers here the word bubble they start backing off. Now wouldn't be a good time to get in.
I'm in Nha Trang and they are building like crazy. Everyone from taxi drivers to hairdressers is an agent for selling these apartments. And the rents are dropping......over supplied.
I'd be sitting back and watching everything in the region unfold. We've got problems in the Philippines, foriegners are getting out, they're trying to sell. Thailand is totally up in the air as far as its future is concerned. The new guy in charge promoted his dog to Admiral of Thailands Navy......WTF.
With Donald Trump rumoured to be withdrawing support from the East China Sea things could get nasty around here. When the cats away they mice will play.
I'd be hesitant at the moment in buying . The timing could be better.
You've heard Warren Buffett say be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful. Too many greedy speculators here at the moment. When everyone's bailing out , that's the time to think about picking up the bargains .
Yogis always thought the best time to buy something of anyone is when the shits running down the backs of their legs.
Yogi...excellent advice and a lot of truth in what you say..and the eloquent way you say it!!
Hey there Deep Six, Theyll have to start calling you the Flying Dutchman now.
How's it all going back there.?
I found out this week that one of the banks in town has a notice board with all the Mortgagee In Possession properties for sale. That's probably a good place to start if someone was looking at buying.
I've always found that the best deals can be located in Divorce settlements, Deceased Estates & Bank Mortgagee in Possession sales. I've always sniffed around those areas and done well before.
Anyhow, Yogis getting hungry, time to chow down.
Take care
Slightly off topic but I heard that banks try to cover up repossessions and they apparently give the owner a chance to sell the property on before they take legal action for the reason that it takes so long through the I agree its worth seeking out the properties of people in the shit with their re-payments or new builds that cannot be completed due to lack of funds...maybe pick up a good property at a bargain!!
Life is good Yogi, thanks for asking..very cold but nice...however, I do miss Vietnam...coming back in April for a holiday via Singapore.
take care mate!
Deepsix6 wrote:Yogi!
Slightly off topic but I heard that banks try to cover up repossessions and they apparently give the owner a chance to sell the property on before they take legal action for the reason that it takes so long through the courts...!
Not off topic.
Buying a house anywhere isn't just about the house in question but also about the conditions in the housing market.
A downturn and/or punters getting into trouble could hit prices, and that's very on topic.
Thanks for the entertaining outlook.
Take care
Fred wrote:Deepsix6 wrote:Yogi!
Slightly off topic but I heard that banks try to cover up repossessions and they apparently give the owner a chance to sell the property on before they take legal action for the reason that it takes so long through the courts...!
Not off topic.
Buying a house anywhere isn't just about the house in question but also about the conditions in the housing market.
A downturn and/or punters getting into trouble could hit prices, and that's very on topic.
Greetings Fred, I was talking about my reply being off topic not Yogi's!!
Met with the investors yesterday and was impressed with most of what I was being told. It was translated by my wife. Looked like the quality is good and many nice conveniences. Will meet with them on Tuesday to get some answers to some building construction questions. 50/50 we may buy a three bedroom next week
Deepsix6 wrote:Greetings Fred, I was talking about my reply being off topic not Yogi's!!
Neither were off topic.
Our smarter than average bear's idea is handy, one that most would be unlikely to think about, and absolutely a good idea for a house hunter.
Your post was about the same . Background information could well make buying less risky.
The forum is all about helping people, and those were very helpful posts.
Thank you.
We purchased and was enhanced with the USD rate.
It would seem to be difficult to get the information on the materials used in construction like flooring, tile grout, doors. In addition I have requested the standards used for the construction of the actual highrise building. These are standard questions/request in purchase of homes in the US. Why so difficult?
Kooler42 wrote:It would seem to be difficult to get the information on the materials used in construction like flooring, tile grout, doors. In addition I have requested the standards used for the construction of the actual highrise building. These are standard questions/request in purchase of homes in the US. Why so difficult?
There is a very simple answer to that, this is not the US and they do things the VN way,lol.
Here an update. If Vinhomes wants foreign buyers they need to up their game a bit. Ask the people who live their now. Many quality issues related to both materials and workmanship. A group has been formed on viber. Vinhomes keeps cutting people but what is the skill level of the replacements? I took a stroll and spoke to two different construction site inspectors who indicated things are out of control. Not surprising to here. I have 38 years of Quality Control, Quality Assurance in manufacturing and construction. You might say I am the last person they need to try and BS. We have a laundry list of issues that have yet to be resolved in our condo. The latest concern is the water issue which Vinhomes has stated it meets some EN standard and is used in their brochures. This is a large project with countless subcontractors and I doubt the proper oversite. The Vin Group has a nice Quality Statement they use on their website and like many global companies it may not be worth the paper it is written on. One may ask why these comments. Well, I now have money invested and I travel the globe conducting Audits, Reviews and Surveys to one of the most widely respective and accepted standards in the world. In addition I have done training, lectures and seminars on Quality Management.
I went to a Vinhomes site once, saw the vast array of bad construction and safety issues. I knew I would never spend such a large some of money on these inferior,overpriced units.
Kooler42 wrote:It would seem to be difficult to get the information on the materials used in construction like flooring, tile grout, doors. In addition I have requested the standards used for the construction of the actual highrise building. These are standard questions/request in purchase of homes in the US. Why so difficult?
What I have been doing is visiting the companies other completed projects.
I looked at the sales brochure of central park then made the effort to visit the finished Vinhomes Royal city and Times City in Hanoi which was still under construction at the time. Not that impressed with Vinhome projects, they are large scale and densely packed projects than say Novaland but usually come with various vingroup stuff like vin school, vin hospital, vin gym, vin something something....
I wouldn't touch anything built by Phat Dat Real Estate. Back when i first began visiting vietnam they were building the first ever rich project. 10 years later that building needs to be knocked down as it's dangerous. Can't imagine what their other projects are like. The ground floor retail space has been abandoned by Parksons. The building exterior panels are falling off and there are signs outside warning people of falling debris. I'd be pissed off if i had an apartment there.
Thanks for your comments. Wondering where all these Real Estate agents are with their comments?
Most real estate agents are like car salesmen, they have no idea about what they are selling.
Hi guys,
We moved into Vinhomes central Park. Nice place for kids! Plenty of things to do, we really like it.
They are still finishing some building so it can be a bit noisy and I hope it won't become too crowded, but it's a nice place.
A big issue for me tho, techy user I am, We cannot choose the ISP we want. They have signed a kind of monopoly contract with VNPT. (Not good reputation and not up to date in term of latest package. For example, no gigabit connection like what FPT does, for the same price you "only" have 90M, not 1000M)
Looks like there is no choice.
Also it seems I need to take a 24 months contract....grrrr
It has been some time since my original post. We bought in December. We are still dealing with them to get things fixed. If Vinhomes want foreign buyers they need to go to school to learn about all aspects. Almost every item had to be fixed or replaced. The materials and craftmenship are very poor to the price paid. There is a large turnover of people working here. Just where is the talent pool?
When everything is fixed I believe it will be a decent places to live.
Debating if I will post the over 60 side power point I have started with all the BS we have been through on Youtube. The inconvienences and time have been unbelievable.
Yes...I know this is Vietnam....
It has been some time since my original post. We bought in December. We are still dealing with them to get things fixed. If Vinhomes want foreign buyers they need to go to school to learn about all aspects. Almost every item had to be fixed or replaced. The materials and craftmenship are very poor to the price paid. There is a large turnover of people working here. Just where is the talent pool?
When everything is fixed I believe it will be a decent places to live.
Debating if I will post the over 60 side power point I have started with all the BS we have been through on Youtube. The inconvienences and time have been unbelievable.
Yes...I know this is Vietnam....
Sorry to hear of your issues your are having. I can see why you are frustrated.
I would be too if i invested alot of money in a place to live.
You are right, it's Vietnam and the way they do things there may not be how the western world would. That said, if you paid a substantial amount towards your home, you should get what you paid for and not unfinished work,
If others are in the same position as you, and if youve formed that group, maybe get together and approach management rather than the guys who don't listen? may not be an easy task there, but worth a try ?
Hope it gets sorted out soon.
Good luck
Does any expat member live here? How do you feel about this place? I'm thinking about buying a 1BD apartment here.
I have been there and feel they are overpriced. I would look elsewhere.
What apartment would you recommend in hcmc that is more reasonably priced?
tvkk42 wrote:Does any expat member live here? How do you feel about this place? I'm thinking about buying a 1BD apartment here.
We live there. 3BD, in Park 6 (Smart home building, but not very smart, very buggy in fact).
The quality of the building itself looks good and the design is nice. The park is amazing and we are seeing more and more shops opening around. The vinmec is already quite appreciated.
However, not sure how easy it is to rent it, if this is your purpose (A lot of apartments there).
And at the moment, I don't feel too crowed but at night I can tell that very few apartments are being occupied.
When all will be built (Especially the Landmark 81, with its shopping mall), I believe it will be much more crowded. If this is not an issue for you, then it's a good location and environment.
Also one important point for me (tecky), you can only take VNPT as your ISP. It works okay, but not at the level of Viettel or FPT. And they don't offer some competitive package. Anyway, this is for tecky users. My wife don't see much issue with internet
TVKK42 Does any expat member live here? How do you feel about this place? I'm thinking about buying a 1BD apartment here.
You may read #28 about the Quality issues. All depends on your expectations.
As for living here it is not bad. As long as you smile, attempt to be kind, polite and considerate the number of locals who dislike Foreigners will be small. Teaching them to pick up their rubbish to a goal for me and I have seen some that have followed my actions.
Each building has its own Viber chat group to which I have been censored but it really had no value to me.
The was an incident a couple of weeks ago where someone decided to clean a babies soiled diaper in the swimming pool. The pool was drained and cleaned because of it. Many people do not shower prior to entering the pool. Many signs to remind them but..... they choose not and may be ignorant to sanitary/hygiene responsibilities.
Best of Luck
I have no idea about the places but I know vinhomes spammers were a large issue on this forum for a long time, lots being banned but returning as soon as possible to spam again.
That would put me off even looking at them on the ground they treated potential customers like idiots, thus showing no interest or respect for them.
No idea if it was the company operating directly or agents trying to make a fast buck but I wouldn't go near them either way.
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