
How can i improve my English language fluency :(


Hello everybody, I'am a Native Egyptian speaker and seeking a native English speaker for conversational language practice. i need  to improve my fluency in English, any other ideas will be appreciated.

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London's top universitiesStudent life in LondonHigher education in LondonStudying in the United KingdomStudying the English language in the United Kingdom

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Hi Nancy, well your written English seems to be in very good shape! What sort of hobbies or interests do you have? Perhaps you could seek out some clubs or societies in your local area that will help you connect with native English speakers so that you can practise your conversational skills?


Hello Nancy,

Learning and mastering a language other than your mother tongue is a difficult and life long pursuit specially when you normally reside in Cairo where Arabic is spoken most of the times.

You may look in the following directions:

a) Language exchange with people in USA and UK wanting to teach you English in exchange.

b) Lots of on line english courses you could choose from.

c) Keep taking courses to improve your level.

d) Best way to learn a language is to teach it. You can always find students who have a competence   level less than you. 

e) Socialize with boys and girls who are native english speakers.



riazcdki wrote:

...d) Best way to learn a language is to teach it. You can always find students who have a competence   level less than you.

That's an utterly ridiculous suggestion.  One should learn from those that thoroughly know and understand the language.  How are you supposed to teach others when you don't have the knowledge and experience???

First you learn, THEN you teach. It's not a concurrent activity.


watch movies or tv programmes with subtitle or music with lyrics that would help a lot


Hi Nancy,

Watching English TV series with English subtitles, listening to clear music and reading books in english can be really helpful. If you find ones that you really enjoy even better!

Good luck :)


I'm working on improving my English too by listening to the radio in English and watch movie help me a lot to be honest


Hello, Im looking for a good pronounciation sofware for android that you can read a text and the app records your voice converts to text , gets you the results score, etc..  has anyone got an expirience ?