
Schools in Mauritius


Good day

We are thinking of moving to Mauritius not sure which area at this stage. My husband has been asked to relocate for work purposes and we do not have all the details as yet.

Firstly where do I start looking for a good school for my kids? Son(13 )starts high school next year he is currently in grade 7 and my daughter(10) is currently in grade 3. Any advice would be appreciated. How does the schooling system work in Mauritius? Which grade or level would my kids fit into?

What are the school fees compared to Cape Town?

Feeling really overwhelmed at this stage and not sure if my kids would adapt as they are at such an awkward stage?

Please help.

Thank you

See also

Study in MauritiusEducation in MauritiusLighthouse or greencoast primary schoolInternational schools (IB) in MauritiusWaldorf School

We found a English international private school near flic en flac, looks really good. Could not find a public school yet, still looking


wynand&nadia wrote:

We found a English international private school near flic en flac, looks really good. Could not find a public school yet, still looking


If by public, you mean government school, then there are much more public schools on the island. Government schools follow totally different curriculum than their private counterparts, this right from pre-primary (elementary) up to secondary level.

Another issue is adaptation. Public schools are rife with competition and highly academic with very little emphasis on extra-curricular activities like sports, etc.
There are some of the stuff I think you would like to take into consideration before opting for either system.


Thank you Winston
Could you recommend a website about the public school system?


Thank you Winston. I would prefer an English international school.  What is the name of the school that you found near flic en flac?

How is the fee structure of the school?



Hi Cindy
The school is called the West coast International, they have a website with all the info.
The fees are like every other private school.
So far from what we have read the public schools are not mainstream English.
I will copy you if i find anything on the public schools.

Regards W


Thanks Winston.


wynand&nadia wrote:

Hi Cindy
The school is called the West coast International, they have a website with all the info.
The fees are like every other private school.
So far from what we have read the public schools are not mainstream English.
I will copy you if i find anything on the public schools.

Regards W

The public school uses English as teaching medium but obviously English is not spoken on a permanent basis as you would expect in a private school with majority expat population.

It is to be noted Mauritius is a multi-lingual island so this is reflected in the public schooling system.


Check also Clavis Primary School (IB program) and Le Bocage for Higher studies.
I know both schools - my kids are there. 

Their system allows quite some support to new expats pupils.


Hi Nadeem

Thank you for your reply.  If you don't mind me asking how old are your kids? How are they adapting to the schools?

Is there a transport system to and from schools?

I am particularly worried about my son as he is an introvert and struggles with making friends. I am not sure how he will adapt to the new school?

Would you mind if I send you a message with more questions?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Kind regards Cindy


Hi Cindy

It depends very much on which area you will be based in. The two main areas for expats seem to be either the Grand Baie area in the north, or the Black River/Tamarin area in the south west. You would want a school within reasonable driving distance of where you will be based. Many of the schools also have transport via school bus.

If you are looking at international schools, they mostly follow the British curriculum. Some schools are only for primary; others are primary and secondary. If you're in the north, you can look at Northfields (primary and secondary). In the southwest, there is West Coast International, which is very big and new. It was only primary when we went to look at it, but they were in the process of building a high school, which may be open soon. WCI has a waiting list though, and they prioritise parents that buy into the share structure.

We are about to move to Mauritius on 6 Dec, and I'm also in Cape Town - send me an inbox message if you'd like to have a phone conversation, and I can tell you about the schools we looked at, some of the fee considerations etc.

All best

Innovun Services Mauritius

Hi CL Gordon,

One primary school I would recommend you is Clavis Primary School in Moka and Le Bocage International School which is of the same group but secondary school. The medium teaching language is English. My kid has been going to both school and they even provide transport which is arranged in case you live in the west. xxx

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Hi Cindy

I moved here 3 months ago & my daughter is 15 it was extremely hard to find a school fit at that age the schools are very different & they wanted my daughter to repeat a year which was very confusing at she was in a top private school in SA so we opted for a SA based home schooling.

Kind regards


Hi morning

Note sure if we spoke before, the forum thing is a bit new to us.
We are so glad you responded as we are looking for a service that can help.
I will take a look at your website and contact you for more info.

Thanks Gordon


Hi all

Thank you so much for all the information. 
It's really helpful.

Patricia I would love to chat more about why they wanted your daughter to repeat a year.

I don't know if I would be able to cope with home schooling???



Hi Cindy

Sure no problem maybe we can do it on messenger?


I'm Patricia Prepok (Stevenson) on face book.


Wonderful thanks Patricia

Innovun Services Mauritius

Hi CL Gordon,

You would better opt for a private international school instead of a public school where there is fierce competition academically with no extra curricular activities. I suggest you go on website of Clavis School for primary sector and Le Bocage International School for High School (secondary sector).


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Hi Lisa, did you also scout for schools in the central areas?
We have just shifted our home in Vacoas.
I have shortlisted the following schools for my daughter who will start class VI here in Mauritius

1.  Hampton School
2.  Morning Star
3.  St Nicolas

Have you or anyone else experienced any of these schools?
Request you to please share your feedback at the earliest.



Hi Prerana

Sorry, we didn't really look further than the west! Good luck with it, I'm sure if you post a new thread about schools in the central areas, you'll get some replies.




I am Paula - will be moving from Jhb SA to Mauritius,,,,,,,,just been reading your posts..... I have a son (in grade 11 now) and a girl (grade 8) - so looking at all options - we've done homeschooling before with not much success and I am certainly not an educator!! What have you decided for your children as yet?

Best of luck!
How have you settled!



Hi Lisa,

We live in Cape Town currently and are thinking of moving to Mauritius at the end of the year.
We have a 4 year old boy, 3 year girl and are expecting another boy in November.
I am wanting to know more about the schools for the kids as this is my main concern about moving.
I would like to send them to a school that offers academic and sporting, extra activities.
I have read up on the Lighthouse Primary School in North but it says nothing about sporting activities.
Can you recommend other schools?

Thank you


you can try Morning Star School ( christian Based) at Trianon . They do have school van  and many foreign ( esp S-Africans) students.


i know Morning star school . my children go there. you can call and ask to visit the school and any infos you may need.


Hello mfkoo

I read that your children attend morning star. How would you rate the academic performance/emphasis in the school?

Are the teachers mauritians or foreigners?




Any recommendations on the Lighthouse school and the IPS school? We have applied for both and just wondering if anyone has thoughts on them?


School fees in Mauritius: … ritius.php


Hi Patricia,

Are you home schooling your kids? From what i heard, home schooling is not allowed in Mauritius?

Please advise?

Ps: moving end of this year to Mauritius, my worry a school to put my kids in .