
Fresh start moving to Belgium


Hi guys,
I am an English female in my mid twenties. My partner is Romanian and speaks fluent English, a little bit of French and Italian, he is almost 30.
We are looking to move out of England and wanting to move to Bruges or any surrounding areas.
I have 10 years in hospitality and management but want to get into a more exciting role like event planning and he has been a chef for about 6 years.
Can anyone give us a little idea as to the living costs and if it's easy to get a job with our background? Is there any special requirements we'd need to move here?
Any comments would help.
Thank you.

See also

Living in Belgium: the expat guideNew Single permitWork permit for dependentslegal aid office "BAJ=bureau d'aide juridique"Limited single permit with illimited job market

Hi Strawsberry, welcome to the Forum.  You're both EU citizens, so have the right to live and work anywhere in the EU.  At the top of the page is a link to our Handy Tools section, in there you will find many articles that may be useful to you regarding moving to Belgium.

Bruges is in the area where they speak Dutch (well, their version of it). :)

With regards to the cost of living; there are a few organisations that maintain tables listing various items; this Google link will help you find that.

With regards to work; I always put it like this, to get a job anywhere, you need 4 things -

1.  Luck.
2.  Qualifications.
3.  Relevant experience.
4.  Speak the local language.

The more of those boxes you tick, the more chance you have of getting a job there.