
Salary offer


Hello everyone,
I am currently working in Shanghai China and now being offered a job in Wuzeburg, Germany for 72k euro... I have 13 yrs experience in automotive industry. Is this salary good enough for a single person to live comfortable?
Any help will be appreciated

See also

Living in Germany: the expat guideTrouble finding Apartment for Family reunificationFor international studentsLearning German LanguageMoving to Germany on an Opportunity Visa

This salary is far above (actually, almost double of) the German average for families. It is of course possible to spend it all as a single and still feel uncomfortable - but then you have only yourself to blame!


Thanks beppi for the reply... So i assume based on work experience... This offer is good? I just want to make sure that I am not getting underpaid based on my experience compared to German job market


In your first post you asked whether the salary allows a comfortable life. I answered that.
Whether it is also good for the job offered depends on many factors you didn't mention, like job scope, responsibilities, location and size of employer, the general job market situation for that kind of job, etc.
It is definitely not a bad salary for anyone below upper management - and for a fist job in Europe (without German language skills) you probably won't get anything better.
Please note, though, that roughly half will be deducted at source for taxes, social security and other compulsory insurances.


Thanks beppi..
Its for a Senior testing specialist position in tier 1 automotive supplier not a management position.. More like a consultant. They are starting up their test center in Germany . So they are looking for experienced join their team


say about one third deduction not half. And Retirement  benifit need not paid by indian if they work on contrat for fixed period. this can be cleared through the condulate at the beginning. As u don't pay and u don't get back. If u come with youzr wife incom Tax advantage are there as well.


The pay level is very good, enough for quite a comfortable life!

You don't mention many details about the offer or how it came about so I want to warn you that things that sound too good to be true often are. There are a lot of scams where people are approached and offered jobs overseas that don't actually exist.

I've often responded to such questions from people on this forum that turned out to be a scam. Hopefully your offer is legitimate - but check the situation carefully and I would suggest you read through the thread I am posting below regarding such scams. Always better safe than sorry.


Hello tomin, appreciate your reply... It's for one of the world renowned company who is offering me this position... So it's pretty legitimate...even few of my acquaintance work in here... It's in wurzburg... Hope with my pay I should be able to live comfortable... More inputs or comments are welcome


Hello sona, appreciate your reply... It's not inter company transfer... Just taking up a new offer...


Like I mentioned, one needs to be careful and check that it is REALLY from the company. This is exactly the trick the scammers use. They present themselves as being a known company or institution that everyone trusts...