Studying in Mexico

Hello everyone,

Would you recommend studying abroad in Mexico?

Every year, 4 million young people from all over the world choose to study abroad for one semester or a full academic year. Would you encourage them to come and study in Mexico?

In your opinion, what are the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country/area? Are these free of charge? If not, are tuition fees expensive? Are there many foreign students enrolled in these schools/colleges/universities? What is the main language of instruction at the university?

Thank you in advance for sharing!

There are two universities that I know have excellent reputations.
UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Mexico City
ITESM - Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Monterrey

There are many universities, some good, some bad.  The same goes for primary and secondary schools.

A couple of old, old friends graduated from the German school in Mexico City in the 50's or 60's

I realize those are slim pickings but it's a start.  When I lived in Zacatecas, I met several Americans who were taking short or summer programs in international commerce at ITESM and were very pleased.

I have to ask, "Has there been a request for information?"

There is a very nice university in Guanajuato but I don't know what the costs are. They seem to have a complete curriculum though, but I don't know what there strong points are.

The TEC de Monterrey and UNAM are recognized internationally in almost all areas.  Mexican Presidents get business degrees in the most renowned US business schools.  there must be a reason.