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I filally arrived.

I'm going to begin a thread about what you need to know, before you come hre.  I encourage everyone who has identifyed a danger to help thoise that will come, after.

I am LOVING this place but I am NOT in a big city.  The big cities here are, well, big cities.  I shum them. 

My first warning concerns driving and evven walkig, near a road.  There are no sidewalks.  Cars/trucks fly by, inches from human flesh.  You getting this? 

2)  If you are hurt badly you will very likely die (if not in a big city) before medical help can arrive.

3)  Hotels here are not worried about being sued.  Often the floor of the shower (or the whole room) is done in tile so slick you could do yuour zitts in it.  Add wated and WHAMO!  Busted skull.



No - the danger is dehydration.

Dehydration can cause a stupor - a diminished codition which comes on so slowly it's hard to detect.  In said stupor you are far more likely to commint errors fatal to travelers - like leaving your things (passport, money) and simply walking away from them

PH is a hot, humid place.  You WILL sweat, profusely, at first.  You  MUST replce the fluids...


I'm  back.....  with more 4 real stuff you need to know

I renter a room in Anda, Bohol.  Soon I found a "friend" lived right beneath my air couditioner.  A rooster, that raised living he77, all night long.  So I complained.  Guy said he would take care of it.

Next night - same thing.  So every time that !@#$%^&*( thing crowed, so did I.  I screamed so loud it woke up eveybody.  Owner comes and says he (now get this) told the man that owned the rooster...

The situation continued that way for 5 nights, total.  Almost killed all of us, due to lack of REM sleep. 

Philippinos will:

a)  refuse to accept responsibility

b)  refuse to take action

Count on it.


ASSUME - the little word thaty makes an ass of u and me...

Cebu internatiional airport.  21st century?   

I sat in a cafe waiting for a flip between islands.  I order a hot chocolate...

When it comes itnis so hot - WOW !!  Let's just say that if it had been spilled on a baby that baby would have been horribly scarred, for life.

I'm walking in a mall, looking at applances.  Tbere is a huge holein the floor, caused by the laziness of the people that put the rised section in.  My foot goes into it and I fall - HARD.  (I am 67)

YOU CAN NOT continue to make the assumptions under which you have lived, all your life.  (i.e. that the people aroubnd you have functioning brains and good sense)

You were warned :)



You're a foot taller....

In rural areas especially, I have seen maky nasty things (like pieces of roofing tin) that seemed to be right at eye level...

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