Is Modafinil (Provigil) available in Cambodia?

I can't seem to find any information about this one.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you

Since I do not use this medication I don't know for sure.  This link will put you in contact with the most reputable pharmacy in Phnom Penh.  It is rare  that any prescription is needed.  Please see:

Thanks for the input, I'll check it out.  I'm mainly intereted in using for its cognitive enhancing properties.

That link didn't work

Thanks, but I didn't need hemisync.  I already know about that.  I have hashimoto's disease.  This is an autoimmune disorder that attacks my thyroid gland, which causes me to have extreme fatigue and brain fog.  No amount of hemisync will help.  I need this drug, in cunjunction with thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

"That link didn't work."

Too bad but I believe the phone number is also listed.  Considering the importance of this medication to you it is certainly worth the effort.  If that number by chance fails just google the pharmacy.  I recommended them because they are the most reputable and best stocked pharmacy in Phnom Penh.  After you have been here a while you might find cheaper.  As I said I am totally unfamiliar with that medicine.  So a phone call should do it, besides Cambodian they speak English and French.  Good Luck.

Okay, I' ll call them when I arrive.

What about this?  Hope it helps.

Thanks for the effort, but without actual medicine I could possibly die.  I might listen to tbis after I'm medicated.

"Okay, I' ll call them when I arrive."

According to your timeline you're in Phnom Penh now.  Don't call, just grab a yuk yuk and go there in person.  Any driver knows where it is at.  I've helped all I can.  I'm outta here.

I haven't arrived.  I will arrive on the 3rd.  I made this profile in preparation for my arrival.

So... did you find it in Phnom Penh???

I kept trying, but alas.  I did manage Ritalin though.

Aeon23 wrote:

I kept trying, but alas.  I did manage Ritalin though.

Did you check Pharmacie de la Gare? The pharmacy with the most imported meds.

Here the email of the pharmacy, Ms. Eng is a [the] pharmacist.

Good luck.

Cambodia expert team

Good advice jo , de la care is by far and away the best pharmacy for sure , royal hospital is also a great resource they can help you find it , or order from Thailand

Yeah, that's where I got the Ritalin

Then go to Royal PP hospital. If they don't have it they can order it from Thailand, as it's a Thai hospital subsidiary.


Hi - noticed a post about meds. It is correct, Pharmacie de la Gare was the only place I could find in PP when I ran out of my Xarellto in May. I had asked about the price at home, was told about £56 = $73/month, (UK 9 hours work at minimum pay)
In P de la G paid $168. (160 hours Khmer pay?) I was only 1 week short but had to buy a full month.

In business the rule is that those that are exclusive can charge high prices.

Be happy they had the medication you needed, that is the most important thing, don't forget that.



Oh yes - agreed. I was not complaining about me, more mentioning about those not in my fortunate position. Never had a thing about "Big Pharma" but it makes you think...

I buy insulin, in the USA for a box of five levitor brand , it cost me 750$ at pharmacy de la care same medicine levitor, cost 65$ for a box of five , this is just my experience, good luck, try “ sun and moon pharmacy” it's near central market, it's wonderful similar to de la care

Willdduff wrote:

Oh yes - agreed. I was not complaining about me, more mentioning about those not in my fortunate position. Never had a thing about "Big Pharma" but it makes you think...

It is possible that certain medication is heavily taxed. As Twinsguy mentioned some meds are far more cheaper, some as you mention are far more expensive. I'm always glad if someone can find the medication he/she needs, to me that is the most important.

Meds are extremely overpriced in the US. Imagine Pharmacie de la Gare has an order that comes from the US and adds as many meds as possible, due to freight costs. In that case they and the people that buy them pay a high price. The insulin Twinsguy talks about does not come from the US obviously, so lower prices. If they come from an Asian supplier prices will be much lower than in the US or even Europe.



How much did you pay for it? and were you able to get it without a prescription?


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The insulin I but is Lantis  brand exactly the same brand I buy in the states 5 insulin pens 750$ in USA 65$ in cambodia and I don't go to de la care even though it's the best pharmacy, my Lantis is from France , Lantis  but with French writing, same exact medication same brand looks the same except one in English one is got French writing on it I hope it helps